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Lysergic Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Lysergic

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198096574363

Your Discord ID#: kitzeno

Reason for ban: I was banned for mass mugging and fail mugging. 

Length of ban: 1 Day

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned?

I'd like to start by acknowledging that the mugging I committed was a fail mug. I mistakenly mugged someone in a zone where an NPC could see us, which I now understand is against the rules. This was an honest oversight on my part, and since then, I’ve reviewed the rules to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

I’m appealing because this was my first offense, and I take my time in this server seriously. I've played consistently since I joined last week, created multiple characters, and even purchased donator status because I’ve been enjoying the roleplay. Despite that, I was banned for a day without any prior warnings or offenses. During the sit, I offered to return everything to the person I mugged, as I was unaware that the area was a no-mug zone. I wasn’t mass-mugging either and was careful to wait over 15 minutes between each attempt.

I understand the need for rules and consequences, but I feel that a one-day ban for this first-time mistake is excessive, especially when I’ve seen more severe offenses handled with warnings. For example, last week, an officer broke multiple rules to raid my property without cause, and despite losing all my items and disputing the situation for hours, they were only given a warning after lying about what happened. In my case, I made a genuine mistake, owned up to it, and even offered to rectify it during the sit, yet received a ban with no previous warnings.

I respect the admin team’s work, and my goal isn’t to undermine the rules but to ask for reconsideration. I believe this situation could have been resolved with a warning, and I assure you it won’t happen again. I’d like to continue contributing to the server’s roleplay without this ban permanently affecting my record.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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I forgot to mention my character also got PKed for this offense, which I found to be fair given I failed a mugging, but I never expected my account to be banned from the server.

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1 minute ago, Lysergic said:

I forgot to mention my character also got PKed for this offense, which I found to be fair given I failed a mugging, but I never expected my account to be banned from the server.

Before I do my "banning admin here" blurb, do we want to talk about the two alt account attempts during your 1 day ban?

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21 minutes ago, anzati1 said:

Before I do my "banning admin here" blurb, do we want to talk about the two alt account attempts during your 1 day ban?

Hello Anzati,

Thank you for responding. I want to be completely honest about the situation with the alt accounts. After being banned last night, I made an impulsive and poor decision to try and rejoin the server after the ban. I was frustrated and wanted to clarify the situation with my main account before logging off for the night, but I now realize I should have gone through the proper appeal process instead.

After re-reading the rules, I understand how serious it is to join with alts. I’ve really enjoyed my time on the server, and I hope I can be forgiven for this lapse in judgment. I was not coming from a malicious place. Moving forward, I’m fully committed to following the rules and contributing positively to the community.

Thank you for considering my appeal, and I hope you can see that I’m genuinely trying to make things right.

Edited by Lysergic
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