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Cop Equipment & Car upgraded features

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So I am suggesting the addition upgrades to the cop cars but these points are more auxiliary and quite minor like:

- Some for of Red/Blue Flashing lights when sirens are on.

- A sort of flashing Yellow light for during when a police car is stationary/cordoning an area.

- A sort of speaker in the car like a PA to have a bit of extended range in dealing with communications i.e Cops across the strees telling geoups across to disperse. (only which cops can use to prevent minges having another means of mingery)

- A potentially means of cops which die have a short range in which they yell for "help/officer do-" but i fear this one may certainly be unnecessary and take away from the RP - but ill keep it in case.

Tools -

Spikes: Patrol get access to Spike (but Corporal+ As to not oversaturated the product and balance it) Can certainly help with various fast and overpowered car involved in which people often either 1. successfully escape or 2. Police avoid initiating such a chase which seems to be common.

Pepper Spray: Another Non lethal means of incapacitating/preventing people running away (essentially temporarily blinding/blurring vision for a short period) to help deal with those running away or committing battery (as the taser mechanic is difficult and the only non lethal option)

- Batons have can chance break legs if targetting them to help with escaping. As the window to time a taser shot and someone hitting with a baton is very narrow.

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Lights would cause lag asf

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Lights meh, laggy af
PA might be cool, but stolen cop cars would be even larger minge fests.
Officer down notification would be fire.
Spikes have a possibility to be used as minge items like the smokes, but I doubt it. Good idea
Pepper spray wasnt in law enforcement usage in 1988. (from a quick search)
Batons breaking legs would be fire.

Edited by WaffleDevs
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17 minutes ago, WaffleDevs said:

Lights meh, laggy af
PA might be cool, but stolen cop cars would be even larger minge fests.
Officer down notification would be fire.
Spikes have a possibility to be used as minge items like the smokes, but I doubt it. Good idea
Pepper spray wasnt in law enforcement usage in 1988. (from a quick search)
Batons breaking legs would be fire.

Valid points.


the PA only for cop factions usage to avoid mingery.

Yeah with spikes - balancing would be something to think about. Perhaps omly Task Force have it and maybe sergeant+ 

Peoper spray - i guess it wasnt used in 1988 but perhaps it worth adding as a precursor to actual pepper  spray i.e development pepper spray. (Just like you have cars from the 2000s in game, perhaps its a worthwhile compromise in linearity

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1. 'Lights, flashing lights. She don't believe in shootin' stars' 

2. Speakers phone could be funni. Also could be mingey.

3. So in a sense, if a cop is around, catches you and you have to risk a PK to kill him to continue your RP. You successfully roll the dice and kill him. You want the cop to be able to yell/possibly radio for backup? Presumably at the range you're speaking, the gunshots; even silenced would be enough to indicate to cops close enough. Making this redundant for how you suggested it and brokenly overpowered otherwise.

As for tools.

Spikes, could work but I feel like people would just continue to just drive with the popped tires In their bugatti's and ferraris and still get away from cops. Also I'd have concerns if it's done improperly could just end up blowing up the vehicles, or used to grief buildings. I could see something where it's possible to request one for an ongoing chase, but to just give them to every officer to use, I'd probably be less for ( i know you said cpl + ). On the other hand, you could always just make them stupidly expensive. 10-20k per strip or limit them to ESU flags.

Pepperspray, if it incapacitates its essentially like the tazor, for just bluring their vision, sure but the range would need to be close. If it is close range, friendly fire needs to be taken into account, not to mention accidently pepperspraying yourself for running into an area you just peppersprayed. If they are running away and at a range, and you're not affected. Its essentially an overpowered flashbang and you'd quickly end up with broken PVP and people abusing (possibly through walls).

Batons to break bones, would 1000% just be abused by every single probie and cadet around and probably become a problem very quickly, maybe just have the right click baton pause their movement for a second or split second longer if this is really problem. Cops are already exempt from being PKed for the most part, which already gives them the immunity to go into situation that wouldn't make realistic sense. So cops on any detainment are gonna break peoples legs 'so you can't get away' or 'just incase', sure IA whatever, but this seems like a problem to me. 

Aswell as, if a cop did break someone's leg, have they now started a violent altercation? Giving the crim a chance to shoot and die without pk repercussions? 'I'mma just run around until the cops break my legs, oh I can shoot now.'


Criminals need a chance, it's already favored for cops and it should be favored for cop. But a delicate balance needs to be considered, at a point you might aswell just have the teleporting baton stick if there's literally no chance to get away, not saying your suggestions would cause such an imbalance, just that it needs to be carefully considered. 

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