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Tommy DeVilla PK Appeal


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Name of Character: Tommy DeVilla


Your Discord ID#: 738180401310335037

Date of PK: 2024/9/28

Reason for PK: I dont even know

Why should you be unPK'd?: I was told by admin that the don of a faction can just make the vote and i felt like mines was injustified, first off all that happened between me and the person who pked was because they thought i was lying that i was hired by someone else and recently was off a perma ban so i understand they didnt trust me but continue giving me a hard time i said fuck this ima work for someone else i didnt rdm i didnt do anything to them no minge nun, then i get followed and killed by one of them, then breaking NLR they come back chasing me minging me crashing into my car and rdm me for the 2nd time which i understand if that was the pk kill it doesnt count but i think thats unfair

What server rule or PK rule was violated?:  A valid reason is required for all PK’s. A PK’s approval is entirely dependent on the reason given, if you give a weak reason such as “he disrespected me” then your PK will not be approved. All i did was say I do not want to work for them and talked shit but clearly that isnt enough to just pk me for disrespect.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

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Hello, I was the admin that oversaw the dons order, as mentioned before you join a crime family you could be killed for any reason. Ive gone ahead and asked the owner of the faction to leave a comment on why you were PKd.

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YOu got pked for leaving the faction

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When joining a criminal faction, you are given a prompt, that states the following. (see attached image)


Your don ordered a hit on your head, as you left the faction. You can be PKd by your faction for a lot of different reasons, this being one of them.

I highly suggest you read over the PK guidelines, found here. 


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As Adam stated above you do "agree" to a certain contract stating that you could be killed. This is how MafiaRP works, you become a criminal, you can possibly suffer.


Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by Youbear
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