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PK appeal of Buster Proper'Lee


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Name of Character: Buster Proper'Lee

SteamID: 76561198108008166

Your Discord ID#: bois__

Date of PK: 9/11 or 9/12

Reason for PK: I believe I was PKed because I was killed by a cop. But I'm not 100% sure because I was offline.

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:
I believe I should be unPKed because the cop who was pulling me over had no valid reason to pull me over. There were 2 cars that were glitched into each other and I rammed them to get them un-collided and then she pulled me over. One of the cars that was collided was her car. She proceeded to pull me over and I tried to plead my case and when I was resisting she killed me. 

Clip: I do not have a clip because I played for probably another 30 minutes with no problem on the character so I thought nothing of clipping the incident. When I logged on tonight my character was banned.

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Hello PKing staff here. First off, it had been about an hour and you were offline by the time I processed this PK. I was given a clip where you were being rammed to the side of the road for a traffic incident, for which I was told you refused to comply. You then kept saying it was "an accident", telling them to chill. They then pulled out cuffs and attempted cuff you. You pulled out a gun, attempted to fire but it clicked as you needed to reload. You then reloaded but by that time you were killed.

https://medal.tv/?contentId=iF659qDZPkfpWv9k9&invite=cr-MSxmcGIsMjIyMDYyOTE3LA&spok=d1337p82Ii92 ( her mic is quiet here, but you can hear her. )


■ Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK. Killing or attacking an Officer after initiating a violent confrontation leaves you PK active from officers for about 15 minutes. Generally we want people to not immediately go for the gun when dealing with Police, as a result if you escalate a situation to a shootout and lose you can be punished via PK as your character was killed. This does not apply if it is the Police that fired first or escalated to a shootout.

As soon as you pulled out the gun it is considered starting a violent confrontation with police, however if you believe some sort of fail-rp occurred, I'd by happy to take a look. However if you directly rammed their car, they seemingly had a valid reason to arrest you- regardless if some clipping occurred between the officer and another third party. 

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I just believe it was a fail RP moment because before the officer rammed me her car was glitched into another car and I was just trying to help by getting them unstuck so I rammed them. And that's why she wanted to pull me over.

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Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. This PK can lean both ways in terms of being accepted or denied, the clip provided does not show anything that happened before the encounter, or the cop giving any commands(this may be a medal issue), yes you probably found out she was a cop when she took the cuffs out but prior to that your actions are not captured by the clip.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

Edited by Boomroasted
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