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Ban Appeal for Pimpin


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Your Character or Steam Name: Pimpin

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 


Your Discord ID#:  666977087931809833

Reason for ban: Meta-Game

Length of ban: 3 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I honestly have no idea why I was banned, I was banned at 7:00am and I wasn't even in server, haven't been in server since 5:00pm EST Yesterday. I can't think what would've gotten me banned.

Why should you be unbanned? I have never caused any trouble, I was never even spoke to about the situation, just banned. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I don't know why I was banned. I may have Images/Videos to prove me innocent, If I knew the situation.

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Stealing custom items from me and got killed after.., trying to convince my SB to Coup. Gtfo. The fact he got on and then got off RIGHT away for the sole factor he knew he'd be PKd, came in on an ALT char, and minged, and then heard me say in the staff sit "unwhitelist him, I'm done dealing with this fuckery hes a little kid" when he tried to report us for RDM when he punched my Consig (the one who you banned). Grag was on his last strike and already had lost his hand to 14k for talking about them in public. There should be no discrepancy of why Grag was killed. He's a child, who decided to RDM bait his faction that was going to pk him, and then tried using that as a way to get us banned. STILL, James takes the bait and goes for it. 


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From everything we could see you ordered the PK of the guy because he made an RDM ticket on one of you, this is a big no no as sits/tickets are ooc, so ordering a pk on someone for something ooc would be metagame

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After further evidence was given on the situation the ban will be over turned

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

Edited by James
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