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crazy's ban appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Bobo Johnson

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:747322032

Your Discord ID#: ix_crazy_xi

Reason for ban: RDM | POx6

Length of ban: 4 days 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute 

Why should you be unbanned? i got banned for 4 days because someone said they are going to go on their cop char and come RDM me when he gets here i get told by someone to RDM him, the person who told me to is friends with both of us so i did it as a joke i get pulled into a sit 1 hr later and go your getting banned for pos that i had from like 6 months ago, and i was told by caboose that they shouldn't of done that.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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1 hour ago, ix_crazy_xi said:

Your Character or Steam Name: Bobo Johnson

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:747322032

Your Discord ID#: ix_crazy_xi

Reason for ban: RDM | POx6

Length of ban: 4 days 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute 

Why should you be unbanned? i got banned for 4 days because someone said they are going to go on their cop char and come RDM me when he gets here i get told by someone to RDM him, the person who told me to is friends with both of us so i did it as a joke i get pulled into a sit 1 hr later and go your getting banned for pos that i had from like 6 months ago, and i was told by caboose that they shouldn't of done that.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

Next time man let me know if you're going to quote me for a appeal.

I said the banning admin should've looked at the dates on the PO's for RDM and taken it into consideration. 

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Hello, banning staff here.


From what I saw in the clip provided, you killed this cop for no reason while dancing.                              

After I brought you to the sit room and asked you why you killed him, you kept saying you didn't remember because it was 20 minutes ago. When I sent the clip you refused to watch it and started calling be dumb instead of elaborating on why you killed him. I checked your notes and saw that you had a recent ban for RDM and several notes.

The reason I banned you is because you refused to cooperate and had 2 recent POs making them 6 total.


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1 hour ago, DopeAsRoe said:

Hello, banning staff here.


From what I saw in the clip provided, you killed this cop for no reason while dancing.                              

After I brought you to the sit room and asked you why you killed him, you kept saying you didn't remember because it was 20 minutes ago. When I sent the clip you refused to watch it and started calling be dumb instead of elaborating on why you killed him. I checked your notes and saw that you had a recent ban for RDM and several notes.

The reason I banned you is because you refused to cooperate and had 2 recent POs making them 6 total.


u banned me bc i refused to watch a clip ? your stupid 

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4 hours ago, ix_crazy_xi said:

u banned me bc i refused to watch a clip ? your stupid 


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So a few things here. The clips in evidence has the sound muted until the very end, meaning someone likely cut the audio. While this in itself may not necessarily disqualify the evidence, it is looked at very suspiciously to all involved. 

So looking at logs, your story may seem truthful. 

Person A - Gets hit by you, swaps to cop car and runs directly to the 14k place.

Person B - Swaps to his character, goes to the 14k place to whispers you to kill him.

You - You dance and Kill Person A.

Note: That there is no logs of any chat communication saying he'd swap to his char to kill you and person B does not warn you through detectable means, only saying to 'kill him'.

Person A and B, have characters in the same faction and I find it highly suspicious in these circumstances. The clip being cut of all audio until the end ( which could be discord audio ), make me believe that all three of you communicated on discord, swapped characters and did this whole thing up for a laugh; until you were reported. To be clear, this would still be RDM with no IC reason. Your behavior in the sit and in response to this appeal was disrespectful to all involved and with conferring with other staff and with those who have dealt with you recently, we believe you need a chance to cool off and reflect on your behavior and attitude. If you would like to continue to play on this server.


In response, this is still RDM, where you have multiple PO's and with probable power game. You and person B, have a history of power game. So, I will be denying your appeal on these basis.

Person A - Please reflect on your actions I will withhold any formal note or warning, you have a clean record, but I do believe you are guilty and I ask you to refrain from this type of behavior in future. Person B - Will be receiving a note for RDM, I will refrain from warning him for meta or power game for lack of evidence, but this is your friend telling you to kill another person for no valid reason. This is still RDM.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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