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Hammer's Staff Application

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In-Game Name(s): Pat O'Hara, Vladimir Makaev, Frank Franchiti, Paquale Langele, Ty Washington
Steam Name: Hammer
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199389840138/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:714787205
Discord Username: hammer2905
Age: 24 
When did you first join the server: At the birth of Diverge
Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3W 6D 6H
Time Zone: BST British Summer Time
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 20 Hours per week
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  

I have been apart of the MafiaRP Community since 2018 and have seen my share of good and bad staff, I have always considered applying but always been hesitant due to my lack of knowledge of nutscript and staff commands. I know that the current staff would be more then helpful enough to teach me how to use these commands though. I have some good mates in the staff team who I would enjoy to work alongside helping the community and assisting in day to day tickets.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  

I would say I'm a fair person when it comes to decision making, I wouldn't be bias and would always take both sides of a story before making my decision in a sit. I'm also very active as I don't have nothing else to do all day lmao I can be there to support players throughout most times of the day and night. I'm very dedicated to the server and would put a lot of time and effort into improving the community's player base and making the server a place to enjoy and have fun.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):

MesaGaming Military RP as a Moderator for around 2 months

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?:

Unauthorized PD Raid - 1 Day 
RDM - 1 Day (Unbanned by Canadian back in 2021)

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:  

I would say I am well known due to being in this community for going on 6 years, I have a good reputation with all factions currently as I am a faction leader and I would say people tend to like me (I hope)

What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?:

For sure the recent changing of the map, seeing it grow into the beauty it is today was astonishing as I have been through a lot of maps in my time. Seeing what it is today is great as this community has come so far and retained its reputation for a long time.
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names:


Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:

If it was visible to me I would use medal to get a clip of the situation and take it to a fellow staff member for them to handle, if I wasn't involved I would go onto my staff character and take them to a sit and gather evidence and question why they did it and take the appropriate action.

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:

Again I would clip to get evidence and take it up with someone above their staff position.

A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: 

I would view the evidence, ask questions and no matter what if my faction member/friend broke a rule they would still get the same treatment as anyone else would, I do not agree with staff abuse and bias towards your faction

Edited by Hammer
Fox said to add to recommendation
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+1 A cool briish chap 😌

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I dont recall ever having a negative interaction with Hammer. More than likely capable of being staff.



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- Active member of the server and due to nationality can cover a time period where the server may not be as staff populated 


- Never had a bad interaction with Hammer, Good roleplayer and always strives for good rule abiding RP out of others around him. 


I think he's make a great mod.

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I didn't read the application.

But I like Hammer.

He good man.

Give him.

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Hammer is a genuine guy and would be a perfect addition to the diverge staff team 

he knows what’s good for the servers rp and just the server overall 

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+1 I am biased cause same timezone


But fr haven't heard a bad thing about him, seems chill , been here long enough to know the rules demonstrate them and hopefully enforce them

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+1 cool dude would make a great fit for the staff team


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+1 good man he a real one fr

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great guy

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was annoying af at one point but he do what fox said

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+1 hes irish, @Charles has a rival

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Hammer is a super solid dude, never seen having problems with anyone and genuinely liked by the entire community. He’s never taken sides or been biased in any way- and he only metagames with certain people so he’s smart enough not to get caught. He’s also a faction leader so he ain’t here to fuck around but make the server a better one in whatever way he can. 


(:this is actually a +1:)

Edited by Baselsamarah
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basel sucks, +1

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+1 in my top 5 of favorite foreigners

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1 hour ago, Jæcob ッ said:

basel sucks, +1

Jæcob swallows! 

I change my -1 to a -1 

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+1 suck him off on the daily 

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+1 loveley young man known him before he was big

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Hammer is a great-fellah, I've had a wonderful experiences with him and hes always super helpful. Hes also funny because he does a good irish accent

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+1 Good man

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+1 Solid dude always has information about the server when asked 

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+1 OG player good guy 

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-1 I heard he had sex with Sean Murphy (yes I'm homophobic)

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Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team!
It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted.

Submit a ticket on our Discord for training and to get setup.

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