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xDutchCat's Staff Application

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In-Game Name(s): Riccardo Velardi, Maverick Murakami, Chonglin Xiaotong, Quantavious Williams III
Steam Name: xDutchCat
Steam Profile Link: 
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47817991
Discord Username: xdutchcat
Age: 22 years young
When did you first join the server: 1st February 2023(never played back then) rejoined January 12th 2024
Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game):`1mo 2w 4d 2h 4m

Time Zone: GMT +1 / CET 
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 10 - 20 Hours weekly 
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Do you have a working microphone?: I have a working microphone
Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes 
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes I do.
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  I've been playing diverge now since the January 12th on almost a daily basis and I've seen in the earlier mornings of EST That there are almost no staff members available to assist scenarios or handle rulebreakers. I want the roleplay to keep on going with my assistance of being there as Staff so there is no disturbances. I've been around as an user for a while know and I've gained a lot of roleplay experience within the time I've played and I'd like to share this opportunity with other people in this community. I'm a person that likes to help out people and I do have to admit that I work hard. I'm a person that likes challenges. I've brought some experience from other another community when I joined Diverge, and I'd like to share my experiences as much as I could.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I wouldn't saying that I definetly should be chosen over others due to everyone brining their own type of quality however, I've been active now for 7 months and I've brought the experience from those other communities to rely on pure evidence and no bias towards a player, like hating this player for example. I can place my self in certain scenario's with the player and adapt in a way on how to approach people and how to calm them down when needed. I've reached the maturity in a manner to handle scenarios as professionally as possible and doing my absolute best for the best possible outcome 

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):

I've been staff on multiple Garry's Mod servers over the time I've been playing Garry's Mod, One of my first servers was DutchRP a shite dutch community where i began my staffing experience as Trial Moderator and Grew to Administrator and held this rank for 3 months, later i became Admin on UraniumRP around 2014 for 8 months and  seven other dead DarkRP Servers I can't remember (throughout till 2018) Head Administrator on a Military RP Server who died out like LemonRP for over 4 months, Super Admin on ZARP for over 1.5 years from 2021 till 2022 and late 2022 till 2023. 

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes 

Sat, 10 Feb 2024 09:50:24 GMT |
RDM x2 | NLR

I've made a mistake by going in to conflict with a low quality player who was RDM Baiting and I killed him with no valid RP reason in two different scenarios ( i didn't warn the person to get off the property enough before I could actually engage, i think it was when he was using passive agressive scenarios im not sure tho) and then later on when I killed this person for the second time I walked up to him at the hospital where told confronted this person. I immediately apologised towards the player and the banning admin this day I was banned because it was dumb.

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:  
I think most people already know me in this community going under my alias as "Grizzly" or for some people "Mav/Maverick". I think players of the community would say I'm a hard worker and a great asset for roleplay and for shits and giggles. I would say people see me as a motivated and consistent person. I'm overall chill to talk to but I yap a lot.

What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?
My favorite moment was when the mapchange was about to happen and it eventually happend. The server felt so more alive with way more opportunities for roleplay here below you'll see some examples. The government mansion added much more for the whole serverwide factions to create scenarios for diners, meetings and other roleplay for cops. Asians having their type Chinatown NYC actually has where people come together with different culture type shops. Little Italy being full of Italian roleplayers with a shit ton of new interaction since alot of them returned towards the server. The bank just being around there as always and the ghetto for the roleplay as playing as black gangster.

Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: DopeAsRoe, Byte, Anzati1, Adam
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: I would firstly make a ticket and immediately get my clip ready for upload so I could provide them with enough evidence so the can get out a verdict. If no one is taking the ticket i'd take it myself eventually handle it

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would start getting as much valueable evidence as possible. Then i'd report this Staff to a higherup to have it delt with. Staff Abuse is very serious and having evidence is the best way to prove your arguments

A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?:I would not take the ticket to avoid any problems, and If I really need to I'd treat this person just like every other user. I'd ask for a clip and handle it like I would handle like I'd handle anyone else's ticket

Edited by xDutchCat
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+1, Probably my favorite dutch person.


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Team player, rarely gets frustrated, and doesn't use bias when making decisions. He is also Dutch.

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cool guy, +1

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DutchCat brought me in under his wing months ago and taught me EVERYTHING I needed to know about navigating Mafia RP, and then some. He's never had it out for specific players, and offered everyone equal opportunity to learn from him no matter how taxing it might be. With his experience and positive attitude, he'd be an excellent addition to the League of SkyGods. 

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"22 years young" 😭

But fr +1 because he has a lot of experience and is a good dude overall.


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Hes pretty cool for a Dutch guy I guess.


In all seriousness, Grizzly / DutchCat would be exceptional as staff, he is also willing to help and very knowledgeable about the server and gamemode + he is often active at times many other staff members arent or cant be.

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+1 He a cool dude! Very honest, friendly and fair 😌

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+1 he a real one

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+1 Solid player, real cool head. Would be a great addition

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+1 would be a le epic addition to the staff!

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+1 Have had some good solid RP interactions with this player, seems knowledgeable and eager to help out. Would be a good addition to the staff team. 

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+1 gay russian guy

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One of the few okay europeans

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Just now, iolaire said:

One of the few okay europeans


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nothing but good interactions with the guy, would be a good staff member, seems to fit all the criteria. gets my vote +1

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hes a commision main dont bring him in the staff team! oh no more commision mains!! nah jp out of all seriousness, this dude is cool asf, he seems fit for the staff team, nothing but laughs and good rp with this dude, hes on when most staff arent so this is also a bump up!  


i personally give this guy a +1

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This guy........ About time he put in a application, He would be a great addtion to the Diverge staff team. 


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+1 good guy would be a good staff member 

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Great guy that could contribute a lot to the staff team

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+1, wonderful guy that has a great understanding of the rules, would be a good active staff member during EU player times

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+1 Met him back in Odessa in January, trustworthy, hard worker, and an overall asset.

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+1 he loves to steal copper that's a vote in my book!

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+1 in my top 5 favorite diverge networks foreigners

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, cyberwizard said:

+1 he loves to steal copper that's a vote in my book!

Long during loans from electricians who throw their wires in the container frfr


honest work.PNG

Edited by xDutchCat
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