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allenk last won the day on September 13 2024

allenk had the most liked content!

About allenk

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  1. +1 good old timer, good role-player, also need more admins that are in his time zone. Good guy overall.
  2. +1 known the guy a while, respectable and puts a lot of time in. Has held ranks in multiple factions and did a damn good job at it, so clearly understands how the roleplay works on the server. Would be a great addition to the staff team.
  3. +1 high playtime with no note or ban record is an obvious sign of a high quality player, also considering the ranks he has achieved in both the legal and criminal sides of the server shows he has more then enough knowledge of the role-play function in the city and how to maintain it. Would be a great addition to the staff team.
  4. +1 nigga is a dedicated diverge rper and can put in 12-hour days.
  5. +1 Low playtime, but in that short time they have played they have been very focused on making friends and roleplaying and have learned a lot in the short time they have been here. They have shown to be very intrigued by the great roleplay that the city can bring, which is why I am guessing they have made this application so they can enforce that roleplay as well. Very nice person overall, would be a great addition to the staff team.
  6. allenk

    Supreme Team

    +1 Great application and a unique idea that adds value to roleplay in many ways that we have not seen before. Not only adding value to roleplay, but everything in the applications seems extremely roleplay oriented which will be great for the city overall. All people involved are great and active role-player's as well so I don't see how this would not succeed. Would love to see this accepted.
  7. was just thinking about this the other day would probably be hard to implement but definitely a good suggestion
  8. +1 kicked you from the polish discord a few times but from what I've heard you're not as big of a minge as you used to be and can be pretty chill.
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