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Seasoned Administrator
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Everything posted by DopeAsRoe

  1. You just straight up RDM'd this guy after he asked you "Is it pink?". Literally reloaded your gun then shot him once in the head. 3 days seems pretty lenient in my opinion. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  2. As DutchCat pointed out, you already have a PO for item transfer. You should know the rules regarding item transfer by now. Being a middle man in an item transfer is 100% intentional. I will not be reducing your ban because I think 10 days is fair considering your PO. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  3. Hello, I'm the admin who oversaw the pk. You were pkd for the reason "Causing issues with allies and disrespecting made members within the family. he was warned multiple times and now he has to go." When joining a criminal faction, you are prompted with a pop up that explains you may be PK'd at the discretion of the Boss of the crime family. I hope this provided some insight on as to why your character was killed.
  4. Hey I'm the admin that banned you guys. The reason you and your friends were pkd is because you fail mugged the 2 guys. You guys mugged them Infront of an NPC which invalidates it. Although no items were taken, the intent was there.
  5. Hey man I'm the admin that banned you. The reason you and your friends were pkd is because you fail mugged the 2 guys. You guys mugged them Infront of an NPC which invalidates it. Although no items were taken, the intent was there.
  6. +1 Even though he is British and plays as a Scrabapple, I think he is a good guy.
  7. Hello, The reason you were PK'd was "mugging our own" When joining a criminal faction, you are prompted with a pop up that explains you may be PK'd at the discretion of the Don of the crime family. Based on your claim, the person who ordered the hit will have to give a response.
  8. Hello, I'm the admin who issued the ban. The reason you were banned for LTARP is because you disconnected by user multiple times. I waited 10 minutes for you to join back before I banned you.
  9. Name of Character: Dr. Waldo "Squeaks" Fizzywanker SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116617909 Your Discord ID#: dopeasroe Date of PK: October 25, 2024 Reason for PK: "Disregard for his own life" Why should you be unPK'd? I was in the middle of a police chase and when I surrendered they cuffed me then went to drag me but since I was being dragged, I couldn't move, and drowned. What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I just couldn't move because I was being dragged in water If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iX6N5oFQplTqWmMCo/T0pEZsoCOzN6?invite=cr-MSxtQ1gsOTcxNTgxODQs
  10. Banning admin here. I was going to just note you for fail mugging, but after another person made a ticket because you ran them over I decided to ban you. Even though you have an extensive record of POs, I didn't hold them against you during the multiple tickets involving you this morning. You showed NITRP and showed no interest in following the rules. You should have read the rules by now after your previous bans and notes, but in case you haven't, I recommend looking them over.
  11. Pking admin here. You were mugging with the guy in the beanie as shown by these clips : - https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iQlqWC1leSev2SHKC?invite=cr-MSxJTWMsLEZPUl9ZT1U - https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iQlLbf23job5kR5Jt?invite=cr-MSxFMlAsLEZPUl9ZT1U you let him into the apartment, you stood there with him, you were mugging with him, so you were also pk'd
  12. DopeAsRoe

    Thanks bro!

    Banning admin here. I was going to just note you for fail mugging, but after another person made a ticket because you ran them over I decided to ban you. Even though you have an extensive record of POs, I didn't hold them against you during the multiple tickets involving you this morning. You showed NITRP and showed no interest in following the rules.
  13. DopeAsRoe


    Hello, I'm the admin who oversaw your pk. You were pk'd by Don's orders. When you join a criminal faction you are shown a prompt that says you can be permanently killed under orders from your Boss if you break the family rules or step out of line. You agree to the terms when you click accept. :
  14. DopeAsRoe


    Hello, I'm the admin that did the pk The reason you were pk'd is because you tried to tie someone up at an atm. This is considered an attempted mugging. When you tried to do this you were killed by the person and subsequently pk'd. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/801274454436610058/1289882798781632532/pked8.mp4?ex=66fa7078&is=66f91ef8&hm=a4cac2a959f9cad288ad10e43ac78b9ef6be6c8ea46fe6bf87dfa5c4f9d20761& This is the clip of the incident.
  15. Hello, banning staff here. https://medal.tv/?contentId=ivEYTxd6OUOrLNiou&invite=cr-MSx4T0ksMTk5OTAzNjIxLA&spok=d1337ciFtLRN From what I saw in the clip provided, you killed this cop for no reason while dancing. After I brought you to the sit room and asked you why you killed him, you kept saying you didn't remember because it was 20 minutes ago. When I sent the clip you refused to watch it and started calling be dumb instead of elaborating on why you killed him. I checked your notes and saw that you had a recent ban for RDM and several notes. The reason I banned you is because you refused to cooperate and had 2 recent POs making them 6 total.
  16. +1 Team player, rarely gets frustrated, and doesn't use bias when making decisions. He is also Dutch.
  17. +1 they throw diddy parties!!
  18. In-Game Name(s): Dr. Waldo "Squeaks" Fizzywanker | Silvio Parisi | Senior Officer Jim Hoffman Steam Name: DopeAsRoe Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198193501547/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116617909 Discord Username: DopeAsRoe Age: 18 When did you first join the server: Around a year and a half ago but I didn't take it seriously until about March of this year. Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 2w 4d 15h 38m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 4-5 hours a day, I have a weird work schedule which allows me to be flexible so I'm usually on at peak hours of the day or late at night. Have you read the rules?: Yes, I don't have them memorized but I am pretty familiar with them. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * I have never gone for a staff position in any server before because I didn't think it would be worth the time, but this server is different from every other Garry's mod server I have played. The way the server set up is way more engaging and allows for more roleplay experiences than others do. For example, rather than doing "/gundealer" and setting up a random shop, you actually have to jump through hoops to acquire gun licenses, making connections with other players, and make sure it is a legitimate business. There is a lot of potential with this server and as I have been playing more seriously since January of this year, I've come to see the countless ways this server sets itself aside from the others. There is real work put into this server that isn't just shitty addons or random jobs, so you can actually do serious roleplay. Im on pretty much whenever I have free time, and since staff aren't always active in later hours of the night so I think I would be a good asset in that regard. I am genuinely interested in becoming staff and learning everything that comes with the title. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: *Reasons I think I would be denied or picked over other candidates is because of my 2 previous bans and notes on the server. I Haven't always been a serious player on the server and I admit that, I didn't start being serious until like 4 months ago but I locked in since then. I also don't know nutscript which could deter people from accepting me as staff but I am more than willing to learn. Seeing I haven't been staff before is probably the main reason I will be denied, If I do. I want to learn the administration side of the server. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): No, this will be my first time being staff if accepted. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes, I was banned on this server 2 times, Once for LTAP/Failrp, and once for encouraging RDM. The LTAP is when I disconnected from the server when being arrested which was at the beginning of the year. The other wasn't long after the first, when I gave someone a gun who said he was gonna shoot up the PD. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:* I am definitely not the most popular player on the server, but the people who have interacted with me I think would vouch for me and my RP capabilities. I am probably the best well known for putting up a faction application with a 40 letter name. I am also well known for my goofy clown character Dr. Fizzywanker, even though it isn't the most serious character I would say I'm the most active clown and bring the most RP to the tomfoolery of southside. I am also the Don of Legacy Enterprise and have been slowly building up the company from its previous state. My Don character Is most well known for the coup of Davey, after he made enemies with half of the server. I am a Senior Officer in the NYPD, not as active as I used to be but I still play him a few times a week and he is pretty well respected for a cop. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: My favorite moment is also the real catalyst for me wanting to become staff. A few months ago Somespy did a private event for my group of friends and I. He set an example I wanted to follow by opening RP situations up for everybody. It was the most action packed, and fun time I had ever had on the server. The event was the reason me and my group grew so close and I want to try to replicate the feeling of that for people on the server in the future. If that event didnt happen I cofidently say I wouldn't be making this application in the first place. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Like I said before, Somespy is the main reason I am even making this application. But apart from him, Anzati also recommended I make a staff application. ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this? I would clip the interaction and then make a staff ticket detailing what happened. If no staff were online, I would ask another admin if I could take the ticket myself and handle the situation by the book. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would compile the evidence and pass it on to UA for them to handle. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would ask to see a clip and if provided the proper evidence would give the member of my faction the same punishment I would give a non member. I don't think this constitutes as bias. As long as I handle the situation the way I would with everyone and, and by the book then I do not think it would be considered bias whatsoever.
  19. Lighting on the new map isn't exactly perfect, so props can have weird lighting issues. I don't know if there is reason it hasn't been added but, instead of redoing the lighting in places around the map you could just add shadow remover tool to let people handle it themselves.
  20. +1 hasn't snowed in NYC for like 3 years, wtf
  21. Idk if it would cause issues but we have a bigger dealership now, and more open space there. Might as well add a couple extra spawners.
  22. +1 Love new rp. Pop up events are a huge W. We Clown are for the people
  23. Yes, we were told we shouldn't use a real life syndicate name. And the video in the original app was taken down but is now back up.
  24. What do you mean "leeching members?" every one of our members asked to join us?
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