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Mickey Lunestra

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About Mickey Lunestra

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  1. Hey, I was apart of this situation and I just wanted clarify a few things. I was pulled into sit because i contacted staff about a PK that just happened at that time. I realized that I didn't have the clip to the PK so I asked Fettuccine if he had it. After being pulled into the sit and Fettuccine confirming that he had the Medal clip, the admin then pulled him as well. After several minutes of waiting, the admin then claimed that we were meta-gaming in discord. There were multiple people inside the PD call, some which weren't even on the server at the time. I then spouted over something in discord to myself not knowing that I wasn't muted even though what I said wasn't used in character. I took responsibility and accepted the meta-game warning. But what I don't understand is why Fettuccine received a warning even though HE was not speaking in discord at all during the event or used anything I said to benefit himself in character.
  2. your entire argument is pretty much "nuh uh show proof" This wasn't why you got pked, you got pked by running from cops and shooting them just wait for staff to reply, nothing will change with us yapping here
  3. Yes you confirmed our hunch but the PK was entirely this guys fault
  4. All I'm saying from our side of the story, the situation happens and we decide to question him. we decide to let him go as we have nothing to go off of, after that we find you and hear "the guy you questioned shot him btw" (not exactly that but you get the message) and we decide to find him, identifying him with the F3 he gave prior, and we believe to have reasonable suspicion to stop and frisk him to check if he had a weapon. With that he started arguing and asking for a lawyer so we decide to detain him to talk to and search him. But he decided to run so we chased and tazed him, he shot me and my cadet, and I killed him
  5. "oh yeah that guy you talked to was the one who shot him" from you. and we had enough proof, shooting a cop is kind of a y'know your gonna die Pretty sure it's a common thing of "you shoot cop and die to cop you die forever"
  6. She is more than welcome to show a clip of this if she has it, she had not denied the questioning. You are more than welcome to believe her but she had snitched on you, at this point she's lying to cover herself from being known as a rat. Corporal John Reese and Cadet D. Donti can back me up
  7. Is this the part where you get your friend to lie for you? we had 3 officers, 1 being me, there for the questioning where she said you were the shooter. You are more than welcome to ask the other 2 officers
  8. You were not forced into a PK situation, multiple different ways you could have played that. could've just let us detain you and argue that you had been on private property You could have ditched the gun which you knew cops were looking for The witness we had was the blonde woman who we had witnessed near the scene and had went to look for and question after we talked to you. With our suspicions backed we originally had on you, which were from seeing the shooting from across the street of the apartments you work at, we had just not been able to 100% confirm that you had a gun so we let you go while we went to look for the woman we had seen near the scene. and had you let us arrest you there was nothing saying you were going to get pked with 45 years
  9. Cop who PK'd you, we were unsure of if you were involved or not. which is why we let you go originally, after that we found a witness who pretty much ratted on you. with that we decided to find you and frisk you. after that you decided to run and shoot us while being tazed, with that you got shot and killed Your own fault for deciding to shoot at cops, and my poor cadet.
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