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Everything posted by Mark42069

  1. i dont have any clips i dont record my game all the time :L i only have my word and i don't frequently lie
  2. not giving a ride to a random guy who hopped in your car is blatant disrespect and not obeying orders? i made it clear that i did not know who he was. this was the only negative interaction i had with a fellow gang member and it was someone i thought was a stranger who hopped in my car. this is from the pk rules "● A valid reason is required for all PK’s. A PK’s approval is entirely dependent on the reason given, if you give a weak reason such as “he disrespected me” then your PK will not be approved. " as a pk admin id assume you know tha pk rules and guidelines right? ■ The person in question, has repeatedly done something to directly harm you, the family, or another member of the family. Unwarranted Harm in a financial (+10,000$) or repeated physical way, there has to be tangible damages, disrespecting someone once is not a reason to kill someone. This also means you cannot PK someone for mucking up JUST one time. Having continued issues or warnings about behaviour or disputes can cause escalation to a PK. (record the Warnings/encounters/transgressions need be) ■ Continued and repeated (despite warnings) poor behaviour, misconduct, violation of your family rules or even blatant disrespect of made men in your organization.
  3. a don ordered a hit on me? i just joined kosher nostra yesterday night as a temp (because my lucchese character got killed) so i could transfer to lucchese after the week that was the plan. have been in the gang for a day and have had little interaction with the kostra nostra gang members. and the guys i did meet were chill and really helpful when i asked questions
  4. who asked for your biased opinion? guy is a super admin and probably your buddy
  5. Name of Character: James Battista SteamID:STEAM_0:0:42221432 76561198044708592 Your Discord ID#: fuckthisshit_ Date of PK: Aug 30 2024 Reason for PK: I dont know, he joined our discord channel and i asked him and he just said "find out in character" Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: he got in my car randomly and told me to drive him somewhere and i refused didnt believe he was in the the same gang as me. i was growing in the polish apartments and when i returned we was sitting on a couch in the apartment, he was afk and when he came back from being afk he approached me and said "hey arent you that guy who wouldnt drive me to the car dealer?" and said " yeah i didnt even know you were actually jewish" then he pulled out a gun and shot me in the head If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: i have no evidence
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