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Everything posted by GlamourPunk

  1. GlamourPunk

    PK Appeal

    Name of Character: Jani Ramone SteamID: GlamourPunk Your Discord ID#: violetriot13_28108 Date of PK: 8/7/24 Reason for PK: I genuinely don't know, i was pulled and pk'd Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I believe I should be un pk'd because I wasn't even told what I did wrong, I would like to be told what I did to get pk'd so I dont do it again, all i have been doing was having fun and some guy shot me and I got pk'd for it. I just want another chance on this character, I love this character and barely got to use him If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I sadly didn't get proof because idek why it happened
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