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Everything posted by GlamourPunk

  1. see higher staff, they said they wanna take the ban away, and in the wise words of gandhi, stuart little, and monaclu, use rubber rounds like i did i did ltap tho
  2. in the words of gandhi, its not rdm if its funny, plus i loaded rubber rounds and shot a fellow cop
  3. Your Character or Steam Name: sixx Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): no Your Discord ID#: gothicwhorror Reason for ban: LTAP | RDM POx3 Length of ban: 7 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i object this ban Why should you be unbanned? i object what the admin said Additional Information (images, videos, etc)
  4. just say you hate fun
  5. idfk i just wanna see a massacre
  6. GlamourPunk

    hear me out

    a purge day, where no staff takes tickets, no police online, and no government, and everyone gets a free gun for that day so they wont lose theirs also, rip andrew wood who died on this day in 1990
  7. ahh yes, 3 years ago
  8. GlamourPunk

    allow it

    allow rdm’ing on little italy mfs, its fun to piss em off
  9. -1 got bored halfway through
  10. now do current america and 1930s germany and there wouldn’t be a big difference
  11. +1 lots of effort into this and i agree
  12. wait i remember that situation too, i remember the report and everything cause my char was there during legacy and shit too. mf stripped my roles away for calling her dumb ooc
  13. +1 pros: knowledgeable cons: snitched on former corporal Layne Wesson which led to Layne Wessons death
  14. -1 pros: is always on the game, no bans, high playtime cons: seems to have a temper at times, and is biased, would probably scream at people in a sit agreed
  15. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ixaFdJzh68fFmfsA-?invite=cr-MSxPSjgsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/izdjouMHFiEKPriUe?invite=cr-MSxNdTYsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iBg8D2SgXn-5bWim1?invite=cr-MSxXSVQsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA
  16. +1 queen elizabeth and betty white were alive when this dude was banned
  17. humans, aliens, femboys, and other spirits. calm down
  18. GlamourPunk

    PK appeal

    “scoreboard board”
  19. +1 heath ledger joker pfp
  20. +1 good mugging spot
  21. +1 dudes bored and honest
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