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Everything posted by GlamourPunk

  1. wait i remember that situation too, i remember the report and everything cause my char was there during legacy and shit too. mf stripped my roles away for calling her dumb ooc
  2. pros: knowledgeable cons: snitched on former corporal Layne Wesson which led to Layne Wessons death
  3. -1 pros: is always on the game, no bans, high playtime cons: seems to have a temper at times, and is biased, would probably scream at people in a sit
  4. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ixaFdJzh68fFmfsA-?invite=cr-MSxPSjgsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/izdjouMHFiEKPriUe?invite=cr-MSxNdTYsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iBg8D2SgXn-5bWim1?invite=cr-MSxXSVQsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA
  5. +1 queen elizabeth and betty white were alive when this dude was banned
  6. humans, aliens, femboys, and other spirits. calm down
  7. GlamourPunk

    PK appeal

    “scoreboard board”
  8. +1 heath ledger joker pfp
  9. +1 good mugging spot
  10. +1 dudes bored and honest
  11. +1 i don’t even got to read it, dudes chill and would be a good staff member
  12. GlamourPunk


    no one’s reading all that party pooper
  13. as a member of the goth community, we do not like jmoorsey, we would like to pass him off to the gingers
  14. in all seriousness, Deluxe genuinely roleplays and enjoys the server. I’ve never seen him mug and i have seen him rp. he has no previous bans and imo is a very respectable person. I believe this was a mistake on Monaclus part
  15. correct me if im wrong but wouldnt it of locked in on the dude in the american flag suit?
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