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Everything posted by UnknownCarnival

  1. this would be awesome +1
  2. +1 This guy is an absolute unit. Know how to flip the switch between serious and having fun. Would be an excellent addition to the staff team!
  3. Why would you want to take clothes and gun connecting you to a crime? makes no sense RP wise.
  4. seems cool but might be to hard to implement
  5. plus 1 this guy is pretty good guy and very smart when it comes to gmod things
  6. I got to give it to somespy he fights the good fight for PAC3
  7. Add a more expensive fishing rod that cost more money but can catch fish faster.
  8. Those who remember weber what was the funniest memory of him. Mine was when he got sniped outside PD at the political rally.
  9. Bring back the donation option to buy more character slots
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