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Everything posted by ItsNebs

  1. Add a log for car tires being popped(for PD Forensics RP, and to catch minges easier.) Make it so you can have multiple processors down on different chars(unless it was changed with map change.)
  2. Read real carefully, your openly admitted to attempting to rob/mug the person they retaliated, you died, cry about it, why don't you read the PK guidelines.
  3. Bro is complaining about actively robbing a guy, and the guy believed he was competent enough to actually fight back and now your crying that your char that you put "soo much time" into that you used for mugging someone got pk'd.
  4. I literally have a clip of you being told not to come back into PD, you proceeded to taunt us coming back onto the property, and when you got tased you disconnected, the 2 other officers that told you not to come back watched you disconnect. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/27V4kG-rQYN5rz You DC'ing is near the end of the clip, everything in between is you being told not to return the PD.
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