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money blue

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  1. money blue

    Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Rain Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:558628467 Your Discord ID#: money.blue Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 8h Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Why should you be unbanned? i shot a guy bc he ran over one of our friends while we were defending a package and what seemed to me was clear intentional VDM Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQjtF23smia--71CU?invite=cr-MSxoUHQsMzMwODc5MDY
  2. I was the victim of an unprovoked and senseless attack, completely violating the server rules. I was simply minding my own business when I was randomly killed without warning or reason. This blatant disregard for fair play and respect ruined my experience and left me deeply frustrated. The actions of this player not only disrupted my gameplay but also showed a lack of consideration for the community as a whole. I trusted the server’s rules to create a fair environment, and being randomly deathmatched made me feel disrespected and disappointed. I sincerely hope the consequences reflect the severity of their actions.
  3. -1 dont think your fit for staff
  4. +/- this nigga chill but he stay rdming me lol
  5. money blue

    Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Rain Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:558628467 Your Discord ID#: money.blue Reason for ban: Powergame Length of ban: 30d Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Both Why should you be unbanned? The reason I got banned in the first place was because I stole 4 bricks of W from a friend (henry castro) as a joke in which I split 2 with another friend (Zingo Zappy), then henry castro asks me to return them so I go back to the building and drop the W I did NOT know that I was set pk active for this stealing, I was planning on suiciding my char so I gave out drugs to people in which some people actually did want them and some people obviously didn't want to take drugs from a random person, 4Lights said he misinterpreted the situation, which I don't blame him because it is confusing, he thought I was intentionally dropping drugs in public places because I "knew" I was going to die from the stealing, but I didn't. The friend I stole the drugs from we have fun beef you could say, we mess with each other a lot and the shit we do to each other is never personal. I never intended to powergame, the only powergame PO I have was for dragging someone into an alley and mugging them. I didn't know dropping drugs in such areas were against the rules as it is not clearly stated in the rules. But I was informed and won't do it again. I am not trying to get my character back, the PK for the stealing was totally valid and like I said I have nothing against those people who killed me but I feel like the powergame ban was unfair Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://imgur.com/a/99AXI2V - This picture shows me in dm's with the guy that set me up for the PK, again having no knowledge of dying for the stealing https://imgur.com/a/bP4kpHQ - This picture shows me talking with 4lights about the situation
  6. Name of Character: Gerald Wigglecheeks SteamID: STEAM_0:1:558628467 Your Discord ID#: money.blue Date of PK: Feb 3rd 2025 Reason for PK: Stealing (over $10k) Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I stole 4 W from a guy, but I gave 2 back +$5000, meaning that the one W I still owed isn’t a pkable offense
  7. money blue

    mer appeal

    Its okay monaclu I forgive him, I do believe he was gonna give it back and think he deserves anotha chance
  8. +1 bro’s apology is lowkey fire
  9. No staff members called me out for anything during that whole situation what so ever, I feel like your just going off of logs and have no real evidence of what actually happened. I never said I hit the group of people intentionally either, it was all an accident and I got out of the car right after and apologized. Then again no tickets were made on me
  10. First off, there was 20 people in the MIDDLE of the street and I had a car that goes from 0-90 in seconds, its hard when I turn a corner and hit people who are right around the corner. I hopped out right after and apologized to the people I hit, after my car was stolen and the person in my car started hitting people. I thought if people were in the middle of the road it doesn't count as VDM aswell? It's not my fault a crowd of minges we're in the middle of the road. I picked up the body for a couple seconds before that situation with darnell happened.
  11. money blue

    Ban Appeal

    I told you in the sit we both didn't have a problem
  12. money blue

    Ban Appeal

    neither me or darnell had a problem with eachother
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