Your Character or Steam Name: Rain
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:558628467
Your Discord ID#:
Reason for ban: Powergame
Length of ban: 30d
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Both
Why should you be unbanned?
The reason I got banned in the first place was because I stole 4 bricks of W from a friend (henry castro) as a joke in which I split 2 with another friend (Zingo Zappy), then henry castro asks me to return them so I go back to the building and drop the W
I did NOT know that I was set pk active for this stealing, I was planning on suiciding my char so I gave out drugs to people in which some people actually did want them and some people obviously didn't want to take drugs from a random person, 4Lights said he misinterpreted the situation, which I don't blame him because it is confusing, he thought I was intentionally dropping drugs in public places because I "knew" I was going to die from the stealing, but I didn't. The friend I stole the drugs from we have fun beef you could say, we mess with each other a lot and the shit we do to each other is never personal.
I never intended to powergame, the only powergame PO I have was for dragging someone into an alley and mugging them. I didn't know dropping drugs in such areas were against the rules as it is not clearly stated in the rules. But I was informed and won't do it again. I am not trying to get my character back, the PK for the stealing was totally valid and like I said I have nothing against those people who killed me but I feel like the powergame ban was unfair
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): - This picture shows me in dm's with the guy that set me up for the PK, again having no knowledge of dying for the stealing - This picture shows me talking with 4lights about the situation