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Everything posted by Fettuccine

  1. I'm just trying to appeal to this warning that I don't completely understand just so that IF another instance like this occurs, I won't be instantly banned for a month. While yes, I agree that I should've deafened immediately before going into the RP situation I was in, I had no intent to meta-game and nor was I the person that gave any sort of information. That person was dealt with in the sit.
  2. I understand that what you think he said was considered "meta-gaming" and he was already warned for it. My biggest concern is why I get a warning for being inside a discord while SOMEONE ELSE is "Meta-gaming" and me not even acting on it nor using any information in character. You brought me into a sit to share a medal clip for a PK for another cop. You then hear another voice in the background of another person saying something to himself that wouldn't benefit anyone in character. You basically were going to ban me for just being in a discord at all. I was not the one meta-gaming nor was my voice heard in the clip. You and Azanti then proceed to plead your case explaining how even being in the PD pager or OOC Academy showing new players how to properly RP using their cop char is considered meta-gaming, as shown in the clip. You and Azanti basically gave me a warning for conspiracy... "Being Anzati, once he was there, he sat there and tried to explain how sitting in the discord call and saying anything about what was happening in game is against the rules." Yes that's right, this is the definition of meta-gaming, yet in the clip you watched I was NOT speaking. "he knows better, recently had a po, and still didn't point it out, attempt to stop him, or report whatsoever" -Anzati. So your argument is me having a PO that I wasn't even aware of in the first place and not "acting" on someone else saying something irrelevant to my in-game situation was going to issue me a week ban no less an "attempted meta-game" warning? I understand that your argument is me "attempting to meta-game" but what in the clip shows ME meta-gaming or attempting at all? If I did act in this conspiracy, what act or acts did I do to further the suspected metagame?
  3. Steam Name: TwoOreosOneCup99 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:127333062 Discord: TwoOreos99 Reason for Warn: "Attempt Meta-game" Length of ban: N/A Reason for appeal: A friend of mine asked the admins to bring me into his sit because I had a Medal clip of a PK he just requested. In the clip, you can hear brief audio of my friend saying something that not even the admins were able to interpret. I am an SGT in the PD faction and I like to chill in the OOC lounge in case new players in the force need help or don't understand how to fill out/file criminal complaints, Plea Deals, warrants, etc., or even have basic questions of their job in PD. The admins then told me that I "attempted to meta-game" just because they heard a sentence that they couldn't even interpret in the background of the clip that had no relevance to the in-game situation we were in and nothing that could benefit me in character from hearing it. They went on to explain that being in a Discord while playing your char is forbidden in general regardless of what is being said in Discord. They then told me I was getting banned for a week but after explaining the situation for about 10 minutes and giving multiple examples of how using the server's [DV-N] New York Police Department Discord can be used out of character and how the clip they watched had no relevance to the in-game situation we were in or benefited me in-character whatsoever; they eventually decided to give me an "attempted Meta-game warning". Why I should get "unwarned": I don't believe that the warning was justified. Clip of staff-sit and staff explaining how using the Server's PD discord and the "OOC Academy Channel" is still considered Meta-gaming regardless of training and other situations: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iDUYoIDARgbeWNw3N/eekkdxSK99OP?invite=cr-MSxOZjcsMjQ3OTI3MTE3LA 8aC7H3hE0itErmoc1QNuwQ.mp4
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