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Everything posted by osvaldoy

  1. osvaldoy

    BAN AP

    okay i respect that then. Thank you for your time sir
  2. osvaldoy

    BAN AP

    ka Your Character or Steam Name: Osvaldoy Your SteamID STEAM_0:1:626241749 Your Discord ID#: 867570085349425152 Reason for ban: Item transfer Length of ban: 2 day Why should you be unbanned? I was told by some guy in a Chinese sombrero that i can make money by using a "cousin" aka a mule to sell drugs. i did not realize it was illegal and i apologize for breaking rules, i was honest to the admin and explained the situation. i genuinely didnt meaan to break rules as im still 2 days new after my recent unban after 2 years. Im sorry for breaking the rules and i promise not to do this again.
  3. osvaldoy


    Ban Appeal Your Character or Steam Name: STEAM_0:1:626241749 Your Discord ID#: 867570085349425152 Reason for ban: Switching to alt account Length of ban: Perm Why should you be unbanned? I understand that i broke a very serious rule, there is no excuse or other way to sugar coat my situation. I simply ask for a second chance on this server as i have always admired this server for being such an organized and serious RP experience. I miss this server It has been a little over 2 years since my ban . I would genuinely like to come back and start fresh. I promise to follow all the rules and to whomever read this thank you for your time:)
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