Hi, I noticed you mentioned me in this PK appeal.
Im replying to tell you I did not staff abuse in this situation.
Staff abuse is a very serious act, and me risking a permanent ban over a PK is simply not worth it.
Unfortunately for you, this PK was not metagamed, I have pager system logs to provide to you to help you in this appeal.
The order was written because you shot, and attempted to kill a highly respected business partner over at your establishment.
your argument saying I metagamed because I took someones ticket is also invalid, as the ticket was made moments after this discussion on pager iirc.
They can be viewed here:
https://imgur.com/a/DAoN79Q (Saying wonderful because I said I am in city. I knew of this because I knew of the order that was given, I ICly recieved the order.)
https://imgur.com/a/NBIITyp (Me letting the person that wrote your orders to leave the door open so that I may preform the PK)
https://imgur.com/a/6tQYWoQ (The person that wrote your orders letting me know that he'd leave the door open for me)
https://imgur.com/a/h5BsNe8 (And if its really needed, the order itself, and me standing next to the faction leader for confirmation of the hit)