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xDutchCat last won the day on December 29 2024

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About xDutchCat

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Loyle Capo

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  1. "Every 60 Seconds In Africa, A Minute Passes"
  2. Should be unbanned whenever I'll sell my Grizzly Suit! (Never!) 100% Ai ongod 0 effort stay gone if you aint really sorry
  3. xDutchCat

    PK appeal

    Hello Pking Administrator here, Like I've stated yesterday before I pk'd your character that it is considered attempt to breaking in a property as soon as you use your lockpick on a property you don't have keys to. Jokingly lockpicking someones property is also a huge risk! Yes the townhouse is not owned by a faction however those doors were owned by another User. You also asked your buddy to boost him up (so you could get on the ladder to lockpick the window) Robbery/raiding rules below that could elaborate why you were pkd A robbery is defined as forcing your way onto a property with the intention of burglary or theft (or just to gain access, can be considered a raid), lockpicking a door open or barging in with weapons while there are occupants inside or when the occupants step out. Squatting on a property is not considered a robbery. If you are killed during the robbery/raid it will result in a PK. F2 Buyable properties like Ghetto or Townhouses are on considered valid renting of a property pov of the guy who pkd u here I hope this helps.
  4. xDutchCat

    Char Appeals

    Follow the appeal format
  5. No. Takes a massive chunk of roleplay away and it makes it feel like its darkrp. Darkrp has this because 9/10 times their rules are "scamming is not permitted" whilst they're(owner) robbing their playerbase.
  6. Ngl mate I've seen you +1 so many people who are literally just minges. Being around constantly with the 'wrong' people is literally the excuse to break certain rules because they had an 'influence' on you. Which is bullshit its the same as saying: ''Your Honor I did not kill that man, my gun did" 'But he has changed for the better' like the other 5 bans werent more enough to trigger something? Pretty weird honestly, you got on. Mass RDM people, get off and get punished for it. 20 days later you feel like you should be given a 'final chance'? You didnt make a mistake, you're just facing the consequences of your own actions. Play stupid games, win stupid prices| Like anzati's stats showed. It's crazy imo
  7. Would be great to test this out on David Frost and Martin Riggs!
  8. Idk why you're getting hate. I've experienced only positive experiences with you and you seem like you got solid knowledge of the rules +1
  9. Hello, My apology now I remember that was an alternative scenario of where I took someones flags. I took your PET Flags due to the fact that you were prop-pushing cars at the PD Parking spot because they were flipped, I removed them because you had two recent notes for misuse of your flags. I mean it wasn't really a major thing but thats why they were removed.
  10. Hello, I removed your PET Flags because you had 2 recent notes—one by me and one by Anzati. The first offense was that you prop-blocked an ATM with a DarkRP-like construction you made. Later on you prop abused which Anzati even told you you're on very thin ice and next offense your flags will be removed. If I'm correct about the situation what led to your PET flags to be taken, you flipped a car back upright whilst someone was in a police chase scenario. They managed to flip their vehicle so they couldn't move and you proppushed the vehicle upright so they could escape again. Honestly this is the biggest middlefinger you are giving me and Anzati. We both (with the both notes sits) have explained that abusing your pet-flags to gain unfair rp advantages is not allowed and that you would read every rule about it. I honestly believe you don't deserve your flags back.
  11. Nah i get that, must have over read the part where you played on other servers though thats my b. I get that
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