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xDutchCat last won the day on December 29 2024

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About xDutchCat

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  1. Doesnt quite meann you're ready for staff. Just because this is the first one of the year, you have a few prior notes aswell to mention.
  2. The officer was asking you to give your ID. That is not considered an attempt to arrest. It would've only been a valid kill IF it he attempted to arrest/detain if it would lead up to a felony charge To me this ban was more than fair
  3. -1. You got banned 2days ago
  4. -1. Lowkey changed my mind playtime is like at least 4 or even 5 months of AFK time lol
  5. +1. Great activity
  6. Apart from you sometimes being very annoying I do believe you got very good knowledge about the server rules and you're very active, just because is 16 and could be very immature/annoying doesnt mean his negatives shouldnt be overlooked with his positives
  7. +1 Good roleplayer who also has great knowledge of the rules. I don't see any reason to not accept this application (unless you go on a mass rdm spree or some shi)
  8. Hello Banning Administrator here, I banned you for 12 hours because this person who you punchminged delilah (someone) in your faction who is/was probably unaware of your actions that you were playing on an alternative character to joke around. I punished you for 12 hour ban since they wanted you to be punished and i did so because you had a clean record(also because i didnt know who you was ngl, looked like a whiteshirt minge) But yes from the David Burger perspective I've seen that you're playing on the server fairly and that you do your best to take this roleplay as serious as you can. As for the Perma, There is a system that detects on an attempt on ban evasion that a ban will turn in to permanent. However, I do believe you deserve a second chance since you never tried to cause any harm to users in the community. I even believe if Delilah was aware of you doing it it wouldn't even be a note on your rapsheet. So if you get the second chance by your ban(s) being removed, I expect you not to make the same mistake twice by trying to evade your ban
  9. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1V6CW1SivWhs_m?invite=cr-MSxrd28sMjE1ODg0OTI0LA this is one of my favorites and below is a clip of james propkilling https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i4nZghBfBVnvxvRgt?invite=cr-MSxBQjMsMjE1ODg0OTI0LA
  10. No this is actually not realistic nor darkrp. Hold on lemme just flip my car irl and press e so it unflips. This feature will only be abused by roleplayers and it'll cause alot of controversy around trying to escape police in chases
  11. Rarely have interaction with you to however had some good rp last night with u so a +/- for me
  12. Someone got mad they got blicked whilst they were using their taser
  13. I was the Administrator who was involved who led to your ban, Lucky for me I found you under an itemtransfer with the Pungun (your middleman) for a suited suit and a tie he gave you 20k on one character and not even 20 seconds later you gave him the suit on his other. I spotted you had a prior offenense for Item Transfer and reached out to Byte who was the one banned you.
  14. xDutchCat

    PK appeal

    Hey I've go nothing to do with this PK However you're literally breaking a property rule in the clip which could possiby lead up to a note and even a blacklist of flags. Rule below:
  15. Probably got banned by accident after they figured out you accidentally turned on your cheats?
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