Name of Character: Hugo Weiss Mann
Your Discord ID#:conger_wuzhere
Date of PK:20.06.2024
Reason for PK:Being "Involved in a raid"
Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:Okay so to start in beginning I was in ghetto minding my business talking with people who could buy from me stuff and I was around the room that got raided today I only entered inside to see what's going on and I saw some guy laying dead in bathroom I had no intentions to assist them in raid or shoot anyone just to see what's going on in general I'm also new to this community so I might not know some PK rules in-general but I was also accused by the PK reporter that I was apart of them and no I wasn't I was apart of different group and I wasn't even intending to kill anyone I just had a look inside. So please look into this case if you will have time Thank you.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: