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Everything posted by Prodigy

  1. Prodigy

    Ban Appeal

    I was one of the people you scammed tonight. Frank specifically was the one who took my money and you were the getaway driver. I know this because I recognize the phone number you guys put down that's in an earlier screenshot in this thread. Your partner gets my money for drugs you both don't have, then as soon as I get into the car for the trade, you push me out and drive away. An instance I have clipped. No big surprise this is how you've been getting away with it. Horrible behavior, that's money I can't get comped back to my knowledge. Players like you add nothing to the experience but annoyance. Good riddance.
  2. This has been updated with a new count on interested people in the Ruain Collection + our catalog of events we've run since we've gotten started. We have been running a vast array of events since our inception on the server for two months straight and have shown no signs of stopping. We're working with other factions both approved and unapproved (shoutout to my EMS fellas) to make these happen and consistently get up to an entire third of the server at peak hours coming to our events to have fun. We're plenty excited to run more as well, so remember if you're looking for the kings of all things fun, come give us some support! Events Currently Run: 03/30/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #1 04/06/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #2 04/13/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #3: The Gloves Are Off 04/20/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #4: Burning Aura 04/24/2024 - Emerald Isle Paintball Night #1 04/27/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #5: Night Alive 05/01/2024 - Emerald Isle Destruction Derby #1: Training Wheels 05/04/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #6: League of Luxury 05/11/2024 - Emerald Isle Destruction Derby #2: Metal Mayhem
  3. Even now, this faction is putting in the work to make roleplay happen in the city. Through a partnership with Emerald Isle Entertainment, they have helped to heal our fighters, tend to their wounds and mix in medical roleplay with the entertainment business. I think the way things are currently being run is fantastic and I cannot wait to continue working with them.
  4. Another successful Fight Night was run tonight thanks to the people in Southside. 14 more matches were run, bringing us to 67 matches run since we began! Check out some clips from the event and come check us out next week if you're interested! https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29U0Q9mV2Ri1by/vYqX9tMHDufo?invite=cr-MSx2VjIsMTYwMjI2OTEs?mobilebypass=true https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29U5EdLS0VJv_Z/d1337obre747?invite=cr-MSxrMUcsMTMwMTAxMTI1LA
  5. We managed to run another successful boxing event, making it a month straight that we've done weekly boxing matches for the entirety of Southside! Showing off an image from the early portions of it that Lemon took, but we had a great time and got 11 more matches under our belt, bringing us up to over 50 matches run! Emerald Isle Entertainment is a fun time to run. I'm hoping I get to see more people there!
  6. I honestly can't even tell what you're on at this point, chief. You wanted to leave the commission, you think Olympus has low levels of maturity, you've been put on record to shit on people in game through advertisements and it's clear you don't seem to understand the history of the server that everyone in this thread seems to be on board with except for you. At what point do you look in the mirror and say 'hey.. maybe I'm the one who's wrong?!' I said it before but just give the app a -1 and say you don't like the faction if you feel that way, doesn't need to be so damn complicated that you get into a multi-day argument and frankly make a lot more people on the server dislike you in the process. I've never seen someone shoot their own foot so feverishly before.
  7. I like the concept of it, but I actually think it's a good balancing act from a gameplay perspective. In whispering, you gain the versatility of saying things in front of people without them knowing exactly what you're saying. It's an added layer to the learned languages and it makes sense because you're right next to the player. In using the radio, you gain the versatility of saying things to a massive amount of select people at any given time. However, to balance out this powerful shouting moment, you can't conceal your message. It makes you need to choose your moment to access your radio instead of immediately going to the device to light the beacons if you see something and need to lay low. At least that's my piece on it.
  8. +1 You have a really well put together staff application, brother. Not only is it organized, but you have an extensive history of experience that will lend itself well to conflict resolution. It seems like you'd be a great fit to the team. Good luck on your staff app!
  9. What people need to realize is that even people who won't be allies in the game can create great roleplay as people on opposing sides. With the Cassanos healthy on the other side, I'm damned sure we'll have a ball making roleplay in a healthy way on the server. Shake hands and be nice OOC, have great opposing RP IC. The way it's all meant to be. Thanks for the support, big chief. We'll both get there.
  10. Having seen this argument on my own faction app, this is an idiotic notion and a bad argument. If people have the passion to run a faction for a while, there is no harm in allowing them to bring it on. The Cassanos have clearly proven they not only have numbers but a passion for this server as well. Why wouldn't you want this kind of activity in the game, even if it was for a smattering of months before they get 'bored'? It's just a point made in bad faith. If you don't like the faction, just say that instead of trying to give a run around of your real point through a vague nothing-burger of a -1.
  11. Listen, man. Roleplay is only dead on the server if you choose for it to be. Over the span of the last week, I've run a paintball event, a boxing event, attended a yacht party, went to multiple meetings, hung out at two different restaurants and had time to do some grinding on the side. GMOD at the core is a social game through and through. Money's nice and all, but a lot of the roleplay in this mode is what you make of it. If you're bored, just do something about it. Go through the processes, get yourself a business and start making some roleplay that you perceive as fun. Changing the time isn't going to do much about your current dilemma. You'll just be in a different year and still not making roleplay for yourself and others. It's worth taking the time to just foster and grow some connections, my man. That's a lot of the fun of this place is making the roleplay happen. Go do that.
  12. Neither did I, if it means anything. Like I said, I hadn't made any real correlation so it was what it was to me. However, I completely disagree with not being ready to lead a faction! On top of my connections, I do have another solid HC member I didn't feel a distinct need to mention. However, since you bring it up as something for me to be ready, I'll bring him up! He's not only a former capo of the very same family my friend was from, but he's an extremely dedicated individual that assisted in making a lot of our rituals. He's well known in the Lucchese faction and worked a lot with Sanzensekai and Takahashi-kai. We have him as one of our capos at the present moment and he has months of experience with keeping ground-level employees properly organized. I hope the Cassanos get approved alongside us! I think we could have a very fruitful relationship if we could just get past this whole playtime issue. I look forward to when we can eat from the same table.
  13. To your first point, I didn't really make any sort of correlation between the Cassanos and them being the primary ones to give this application -1. I didn't really think there'd be an issue between the Cassanos and a faction that hasn't even been born yet. That is a shame, I hope to break bread with the Cassanos as I can see they've put a lot of effort into their faction and I want to recognize that and roleplay with them! To the second of the highest position I've held, I think that's a totally meaningless notion. I'm of the firm belief that it's not the position but the quality of the qualifications around it. I don't quite know how to break this down without being demeaning, but I'm of the opinion that in some of the families, getting to Made Man is an extremely easy task. You get on, you idle by the NPC while putting timers on to get bricks. You get the bricks, you contribute to a trade, you process it, you sell it. Pay twice your kick ups and you get a reputation for being a 'top earner' and suddenly people like you because you're a profitable asset. Bam, you're in. I firmly believe it takes a strong social aspect to be able to run a faction. You can't just be good at making money, you also need to be able to talk to people, shake hands and be a generally likable individual on the surface. You speak of connections and experience, but I have both and they don't stop at me. My IRL experience of management, delegation and running a team will serve me well in this position. I have been working closely alongside a faction that's been in the city for over a year and we have plans on having a deep connection after the approval of this faction. My second-in-command was a former second-in-command of a very prominent faction on the server as I've mentioned before. On top of all of this, my own Discord dedicated to the events I run has the Dons of two different factions in the game not only in there but actively rooting for the events. I understand if you want to -1 the application over formerly being a cult. I also understand if you want to -1 the application because you're a Cassano advocate (speaking generally to everyone, though I won't point fingers to Cassanos, just using your language here). However, it's extremely disingenuous to state I lack connections and experience when I have showed throughout the past month of events we've been running publicly for everyone in Southside that I have shown examples of both without even outright stating it up until this point. Thank you for your feedback and it's been a joy writing up a response to it! If you have any other questions about the faction's experience or connections, please don't hesitate to ask and I hope you have a great day!
  14. There have been a few changes made to the family after discussions with HC of the Ruain Collective. The lore has had the above added to the end. This is to signify the former cult's pivot to a crime family. The 'Irish Catholic Cult' portion has been removed from the title. The information on the types of roleplay we do has been edited. While we retain some rituals and traditions, we will ultimately be redoing a lot of things to better fit the mold of Southside and bring our own unique spin to roleplay in other ways aside from ways that could result in zealots being born from a cult. The family type has been changed from Cult to Crime Family. While I was in love with the idea of a cult in Southside, I believe it is not worth sinking the ship to save the Captain, so to speak. We are much more interested in being part of the roleplay and making our own events in our own unique way. To that end, we have pivoted our trajectory and aim to be a crime family with a designed cult-like past. Let it be said I do not want to associate with minges and the like. Thank you all for your feedback and I look forward to your further questions.
  15. I have considered it. If only because I do see there's a lot of negative stigma with the cult aspect of things on this server and I would hate for us to get bogged down by it. Perhaps it'd be better if we did something along the lines of being a cult in terms of our traditions within the crime family, but in the middle layer, be a crime family? I can talk to my friend Lemon and see what we're willing to change up in that regard. We really just want to indulge in the specific roleplay of dedicated, religious people who dedicate to a cult-ish degree. It isn't as if I'd say 'I want to be a cult or I don't want a faction at all'. Would it be acceptable to say we could retain those traditions and roleplay purely within the faction but function as a crime family for the sake of dealing with other families? The last thing I would want to do is create friction with others over what people of the past have done. I like my cult idea, but more and more it seems like people are bringing up stuff from the past and I don't want it to cloud what would otherwise be a really fun faction.
  16. I genuinely hope to be able to change your opinion in the near future. Thank you for at least calling it unique, it means the world!
  17. While I don't think I agree with your second point of being Irish being a negative, I would like to make it clear like I have in previous posts. I've heard of how abrasive the cult followings of the past have been, how mingey they can be. I refuse to be that kind of person. Anyone who has met with me in-game knows that I am not personally the type to ever commit such things. The cult roleplay is purely meant to be inward - a bonus for those who have joined the Collective. To bring people into the cult roleplay involuntarily would be an annoyance to the general public. They're not consenting to that sort of thing, so I refuse to make them bend to that. This is a mafia server first and foremost, so going out on the streets and committing atrocities in the name of some god is not the kind of roleplay I am intending to foster. Our aspects as a cult stop at our front door and do not go outward. If we spread our word, it will be through sermons and speaking to others in persuasive ways rather than downing on others, hunting them down or killing for the sake of wanting to commit violence. I hate these things and would hate if they were done to me while I was minding my own business in the game. My mantra is 'If I don't want it done to me, I will not do it to another person.' Despite the reputation of cult-like factions on this server, I don't rebrand because I'm confident I can make it work. Instead, I aim to challenge the notion and turn it on its head. I aim to be the example of how to actually run a cult faction without being a group of miscreants who harass people and make an ass of themselves in public places. It won't be instant, but every single faction on this server has the people who act out because they want to be stupid, that is unavoidable and it'd be naïve to believe we'd be able to perfectly screen every member. No one ever truly can. I won't ask you to change your opinion now. In fact, I hope you stick around and watch as our faction grows in the hopes that you'll believe not all cult-like factions (or Irish, for that matter) are not bad! And if not even that.. maybe just make an exception for us in the future. Thank you for your feedback and if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
  18. We have officially edited our business name from Wonkaland to Emerald Isle Entertainment. Something a bit more green, something a bit more our scene! We had another fantastic night as well with our Paintball League! We ran our first official event today just wanting to try it out and we had an amazing turn out! Total Participant Census: 88 players among 10 matches Match #1: 5v5 Red vs Blue | Winner: Red Match #2: 6v6 Red vs Blue | Winner Blue Match #3: 9v9 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Suits Match #4: 8v8 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Shirts Match #5: 8v8 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Shirts Match #6: 4v4 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Suits Match #7: 4v4 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Suits Match #8: 2v2 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Suits Match #9: 1v1 Red vs Blue | Winner: Blue Match #10: 1v1 Red vs Blue | Winner: Blue
  19. "To err is human, to forgive divine," - Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism Historically, you can think of many cults that have absolutely bathed themselves in sin. Their traditions are not about the absence of sin but rather the expulsion of it through holy rituals, sacrifice and other methods that help to deepen the bond between the member and the leader. Narcotics, gambling - they are not simply vices to indulge in. Rather, they are opportunities to spread our word. To reach otherwise tainted souls who would follow word that is not ordained by the Ruain Collective. We seek to bless them with knowledge, guidance and ultimately free them of the shackles of their mortal sins. They do not act without consequence. They sin for the sake of something. For the sake of furthering the goal of the Ruain Collective to spread far and wide. Everything is simply a means to an end, and when sin runs so rampant in Southside, why would I not have my children commit these sins for the sake of widening our wingspan? When they have a man of God to forgive them, His voice.. they have their Cardinal: Genesis. Character flourish aside, we have ways to commit to these lines of roleplay without compromising what the cult is about. After all, when you think of a cult, they often have 'excuses' for how they can commit such atrocities. It is often for a higher power or for the sake of some end goal they have. We are not much different, it's simply contextualized around Catholicism. I think it'll be an interesting angle to take. Thank you for the amazing question, I loved answering it! If you have anything else, please don't hesitate to ask!
  20. +1 Here I was thinking we'd be the only Irish around. This'll add some variety to the Irish in the city for damn sure. Reading over the backstory was an absolute treat already, but to hear of the concept of working with other factions and even gamemaster things coming into play sounds very exciting. I hope that we'll be able to interact in the near future to create some real fun among the factions! Good luck to your faction and I hope to see a fellow amazing roleplay in the city soon!
  21. +1 I really love the concept of going on missions that are made by leaders for the people. That kind of dedication to roleplay is difficult to find. It'll be really lovely to be able to just go in and have a set goal for the time you're on, going through objectives and having a good ass time. I love that idea a lot. I think you've got a real chance here. Keep up the good work and good luck with your faction!
  22. +1 Paramedic roleplay sounds really cool in the sense that it is different from what one would expect from legal factions on this server. It's going to rely on others indulging on the roleplay of it, but I think they deserve a chance to do that. If events began to utilize this service, I feel like it could bring something new. I know I'd love it for my boxing events instead of making poor Ruler run to the pharmacy all the time to heal up fighters. I want to see it happen! Good luck with your faction!
  23. +1 I've already fallen in love with the Rockefeller's as far as legal factions go, but as with all good companies, competitive fuels the passionate soul of a business owner. I think Brown & Sons Co. can fit into that slot perfectly. However, the +1 isn't given simply so I can see competition. Basel has a reputation as an amazing faction leader and a man of the people from what I can see. My friend Lemon has told me a lot about him as well, and if Lemon trusts him, I'd trust him with such ease. To that end, if I ever venture more into the legal side of roleplay, I know a place I'd love to call home. Good luck to your faction!
  24. +1 I cannot claim to have been around to see the Cassanos in their previous tenure on the server, but the massive amount of support speaks for itself. I went in to read the lore and watch the clips. I can tell simply by absorbing these things that the people in this particular part of the community have a deep passion for the art of roleplaying. I feel that the Cassanos will add something special to the server and would love the opportunity to roleplay alongside them, should they make it in. But let's be real, they will. They're great and I have no doubt it'll be led fantastically. Good luck to your faction!
  25. It's a very fun time when people put their guns away! However, the event is what truly emphasizes everyone being allowed to have fun. Unfortunately, most of our matches were run after you had already left, so you likely didn't get to enjoy it all! I hope to see you there next time and we can talk while I do my announcements! Here's what we went through: Wonkaland Fight Night #2 Results: Exhibition Match #1: Mike vs Pusher [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #2: Mike vs E-RI [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #3: Mike vs Milkman [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #4: Mike vs The Commissioner [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #5: Mike vs Chris Tucker [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #6: Mike vs Genghis Khan [Winner: Genghis Khan] Exhibition Match #7: Hard R vs John Taiwan [Winner: Hard R] Exhibition Match #8: Hard R vs Queef the Almighty [Winner: Hard R] Exhibition Match #9: Hard R vs Genghis Khan [Winner: Genghis Khan] Exhibition Match #10: Mao Zedong vs Method Man [Winner: Method Man] Exhibition Match #11: Genghis Khan vs Pusher [Winner: Genghis Khan] Exhibition Match #12: Gloves vs Piss Clown [Winner: Gloves] Exhibition Match #13: Gloves vs Charlie [Winner: Gloves] Exhibition Match #14: Gloves vs E-RI [Winner: Gloves] Exhibition Match #15: Sharquita vs Pusher [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #16: Sharquita vs Gino Graveyard [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #17: Sharquita vs Mr. Giggleshits [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #18: Sharquita vs E-RI [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #19: Mao Zedong vs Ricky Arbuckle [Winner: Ricky Arbuckle] Exhibition Match #20: Ricky Arbuckle vs The Shredder [Winner: The Shredder] Exhibition Match #21: Sharquita vs Gloves [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #22: Sharquita vs The Shredder [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #23: Sharquita vs Mike [Winner: Sharquita] Ranked Match #1: Mike vs Gloves [Winner: Gloves] I really hope to see you next Saturday. Maybe as a fighter? Come sign up with us!
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