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  1. I don't want to argue like we get it your mad you got your chain snatched in your own hood but take it up with the don not the faction like crying in the forums because you had a bad run in with one of our members when they were on a deferent char is kind of sad and embarrassing lowkey
  2. he was on a different char stop crying
  3. +1 I know the background of each clip it's not RDM each clip had a RP reason.
  4. there are a lot of ties with RP your just uneducated on the group
  5. +1 there needs to be more French factions on the server, and i like the lore to
  6. like i said to cream, true it usually does not happen, but it does sometimes like before in the ghetto i would always was being threatened with their weaponed presented and i could not do anything about it because they were a "idle threat. now creams statement "There is alot of good RP that can come out of a rule change like this but at the same time there's alot more opportunity for kill hungry people to abuse the change" true some people might abuse the rule to kill people but at the same time, people can abuse the rule now. with the rule still being there, there is nothing stopping me from presenting a gun or a deferent weapon and threating people. (except the police) realism should be more valued more than convince. I would also like to add if someone is doing this to everyone and their mother that would just be minging so that would stop most players from being kill hungry and abusing the rule.
  7. true it usually does not happen, but it does sometimes like before in the ghetto i would always was being threatened with their weaponed presented and i could not do anything about it because they were a "idle threat. now your statement "There is alot of good RP that can come out of a rule change like this but at the same time there's alot more opportunity for kill hungry people to abuse the change" true some people might abuse the rule to kill people but at the same time, people can abuse the rule now. with the rule still being there, there is nothing stopping me from presenting a gun or a deferent weapon and threating people. (except the police) realism should be more valued more than convinces. I would also like to add if someone is doing this to everyone and their mother that would just be minging so that would stop most players from being kill hungry and abusing the rule.
  8. I'm just trying to make suggestions to make the server a better place. its not about the fact I have a rdm warn I'm just saying the rule should change because it makes no since. whether I had the rdm warn or not my opinions would not change. so stop being argumentative for the wrong reasons
  9. the top photo was taken a millisecond before he shot is first round so, he was aiming right at hem for the first shot t hit the middle one was after he shot and when the recoil hit, and a millisecond before he shot two more rounds that missed hitting the locker behind the man being shot the photo on the bottom is when he recovered from the recoil and finished shooting and killing hem in both times when he hit hem he was aiming right at hem and when he was aiming it was not locking on the hem and you could tell he had to manually aim at hem and if he had aim bot, he prob would not have missed as many times as he did
  10. so, I like the active and idle threat rules but I think they should change it a bit. so, in the active and idle threat rules "Someone saying they will kill/beat you in an argument or conversation. (Unarmed, weapon on safety etc) that is an idle threat." now I understand if someone was unarmed and was making threats, they should not be KOS, but I do not feel the same with the safety part. because if I were to go up to someone on the street and have a M16 automatic rifle on safety and I were to threaten someone's life I would be an "idle threat" and not an "active threat" so, they would not be able to kill me even though I'm carrying a rifle while threating their life. even though I could easily change to active threat in less than two seconds they still can't defend their selves until my guns off safety. I feel like it's unrealistic and dumb that they have not changed this rule yet. it makes no since on why they keep this rule and I feel like they should modify the rule, so the safety part is in the active threat category where it belongs. thank you for reading this suggestion and have a nice day
  11. so false kill would be like RDM (Random Death Match) but it would not be random. false kill would be if someone were to kill someone thinking they were in the right to kill someone when they were not because of their ignorance of the rules. so, let's say someone named "jimmy" was threating a dude named "tommy" and tommy it return shoots and kills jimmy thinking he was a threat but when he was not technically a threat I feel like having this rule would make it better for newer players who are ignorant to the rules and could accidentally break them. so if they were to break these rules accidently having a record for RDM and being new would not look good for them in the future if that accident happens again. if someone were to attempt abuse the rule it could easily be caught because of how meany "False kill" warns they have. if someone were to have 10 false kill warns is such little time you could easily say there lying because the amount of warns they have. i feel it would be a better option instead of giving someone a RDM warn over an ignorant decision.
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