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About VastGuner

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  1. Very rarely do I see useful, good stuff from you that actually adds to the RP
  2. There is a ragdoll effect that happens sometimes when boxing when you are critical and bleeding you blackout. But im pretty sure there have been suggestions similar to this that with creating more ragdoll effects and its a no because it gets too easily abused. Car ragdolls alone get abused enough.
  3. Pretty sure it would still be murder anyways killing a lockpicker isnt self defense
  4. -1. Lack of play time, you gotta get use to the server for a bit man. You also you skipped the question “Do you have any previous staffing experience?” For your problem solving answers your responses are very short with not much effort/thought put into it. But this is just constructive criticism man take your time and enjoy the player side of the server for a while before you try taking on being staff aswell. Most people typically apply with a few weeks of playtime or more. But good luck!
  5. -1 tf? I dont even know how to word all the reasons why that is goofy.
  6. +1 even though the amount of activity yummeko has maybe unhealthy
  7. VastGuner

    New trade UI

    Use a crate man? Or create a middle man service!
  8. VastGuner


    Hello banning moderator here. So firstly I already noted you on 12/09 for LTARP and explained LTARP to you. Looking at the logs it shows you being cuffed at city hall at 22:03. Logs show you disconnecting by user in cells at 22:15 and you were searched by the officer at 22:07 so that is only a 7 minute difference between the logs I found possibly could be a more recent interaction. But based upon your warn the previous day for the same thing and not rejoining that is why a Two day ban was issued.
  9. In-Game Name(s): Oswaldo "Waldo" Fenchenzo, Operative Stew Piedman, Chum Rucker, Jahn Zinji, Tarkin Sattar Steam Name: VastGuner Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:562410449 Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199085086626/ Discord Username: Vastguner Age: 17 When did you first join the server: March 29th 2024 (Stopped playing over summer) Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3w 2d 19h 20m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Around 10-15 hours a week more if need be depending on ticket numbers Have you read the rules?: Yes I have. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes I do. Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No I am not. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: I understand. ------------------------------------------------- What is your motivation/reason for applying?: My motivation for applying for staff is, it's a new thing for me to try and have something else to do with my time on the server. I have been playing for a decent amount of time and some aspects of the server are just getting boring for me. So I would like something new to be able to do in my free time whilst on the server. This is also something I have never done in the 4 years of playing Gmod, so this seems like a good server to try to be staff on for the first time. Overall my motivation for applying is to get a new thing to do, and do something on the server that actually helps the server. I also just want to learn the staffing side of stuff on a Gmod server which I have never done or seen before. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I believe that I should be considered over other candidates because, I am a fairly active person. I also am a pretty rational person so when it would come to staff sits I am reasonable. I am a very respectful person as well and mediating situations is a strong point of mine whilst staying level headed. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I do not have any previous staffing experience. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No I have never been banned the server before. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I would say I am sorta known within the community, I'm decently active so I am mainly known on my main character which is "Waldo", I am very well known in the faction I'm in. I'm also known by the factions in the lower parts of city like Habibis and Legacy. I am starting to become more known on my police character Operative Stew Piedman most people in detectives are starting to know me as well as some of the active officers in patrol. I'm not really known in the Little Italy area due to the fact I have never had a character up there but I still know a few people around there. What I would say other members think about me is I am a relatively chill guy most of the time. I usually try to do the right thing but occasionally I do some stupid stuff. Overall I would say that I have a pretty decent reputation. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: I cant quite think of my single favorite moment on Diverge but this is a recent funny moment of mine https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iSFSgTnW9qgiESFYG?invite=cr-MSx4dkssMjcwNDU4ODgs Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Falcon and Creambru ------------------------------------------------- Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If I am not involved in the situation and there were no other staff active/taking the ticket I would wait till I am not in a RP scenario and I would then switch to my staff char to handle that ticket and any others that may be stacked up. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: If I saw a fellow staff member abusing I would first get clips of the abuse and the situations. Once I have the clips I would speak to a member of UA about the abuse of power or make a staff report on the forums. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would not involve myself with the situation unless it ends up on the forums I would then give my opinion on it and vouch for the person if I know that they honestly don't do that. If I involved myself with the situation during the sit I do think it would be bias. ---------------------------------------------------------
  10. I think this might be a good idea by itself maybe a new club that just knocks someone out? Adds to the Role play ability to kidnap someone a different way than Fear RP
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