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Everything posted by iYB

  1. Multiple warnings were given to the jew from Frankie and his allies. Following the event rules, why is Frankie being punished just because the other guy may be arguing that he did not hear the warnings which is full lies because 2-3 people were telling this fucktard to leave
  2. You can do them out the Doms Deli Van open the back door, hop in, start shooting out the back
  3. The idea is good but It would most likely break the server in all forms, mainly fps bc we know thats alrdy fucked. But how tf am i supposed to sell Gas tax in a game Tow truck company would result in the removal of the car despawn timer which is used to decrease the amount of models and props around the city to boost fps.
  4. The idea is there, its just how it would be done. For those who enter the program, UA or PD would make them change their name. For those who already have the snitches f3 - There must be a way to remove that when they go into the program. This brings alot of more snitchRP because those who snitch end up getting whacked anyways. This would allow them to have a second chance in a different mafia or go straight while still being hunted by their previous family.
  5. iYB

    PK Appeal Eddy

    Read the Pk rules it falls under FearRP
  6. iYB

    Cyanide Pill

    popping like candy
  7. iYB

    Revolvers and Casings

    obviously you dont understand this isnt an argument rather its a discussion. nobodys bitchin and fyi gloves dont prevent dna found on casings. You say you've done a few but yet your missing the point im discussing here. hop off my thread dumb ass nigga if you cant keep it civil
  8. iYB

    Revolvers and Casings

    6 High damage shots from a single action gun, which cant be shot rapidly. Walk past a guy, bang bang, shots that can be heard from a block away and then you got cops swarming you. You cant put supressors on revolvers which is another disadvantage. This is one of the things that should be added so that revolvers are actually used. I dont know much about the addition of state law enforcement nor "RICO" but these sound like full on additions which just buffs PD even more. What I am suggesting is just a fix for revolvers bc its literally one of the biggest advantages for a revolver - not dropping casings unless reloaded
  9. iYB

    Revolvers and Casings

    forensics provided a huge advantage for police over pks - besides from the body, and casings but fingerprints on doors too? This revolver change would balance forensic advantage and using a revolver isnt easy bc you only get 6 shots and then you must reload. Imagine if you miss all of those. Reloading will obviously drop the casings. on a side note, fingerprints are found on casings too which directly links a person to the crime and when picking up these casings, you waste time trying to leave the scene while pk active.
  10. Revolvers do not drop casings unless manually reloaded irl, this is not the same ingame. Having casings with revolvers defeats the purpose of having using a revolver, this is one of the main guns used in hits etc for this sole reason. Revolvers also some with the consequence of slow-shooting and reloading which is a disadvantage to those who use it. With the new forensics update, this is need for sure. Vote to remove casings for revolvers.
  11. iYB

    Daviss' Ban Appeal

    it was pretty funny seeing yall stuff people in the back of your truck
  12. You forgot to mention you must love gabagool
  13. This is the best application out there!
  14. for sure we 100% need another car spawn, put it near the custom clothing store or anyplace better
  15. Nyeah eh? Cro, trust the mandem on this one, lemme be able to holla at the shorties with this one Nize yo beak dirty wasteyute
  16. The map looks and sometimes feels dry when casually driving around other than little italy and near imperial/BL. Players that are apart of factions that may not have access to any buildings, or those who are not even apart of any factions lack the possibility to own a building. Re-add basements into houses - It made it feel lively. Add some more houses that vary in size and shape like the other map, these were used oftenly for drug deals and rp. Replace one of the buildings in chinatown and make it an accessible apartment with purchasable doors, a small building like the one near the nightclub so the non-round-eyed dont have to go to the ghetto or motel Note* - I understand the ghetto is open to purchase, but personally, everytime I go to do shit in there I dont want to have to worry about someone breaking in bc of the secludedness of the spot. Houses placed in the open with like a back door or a openable window would be cool for people robbing. The giant warehouse across jewland? That should be replaced with mini-containers like the old map used to have, this opens up the possibility of people doing drug-deals or some sort of rp. As of now, that building is one of the most unused buildings on the server and its in a good spot too. Just replace it with anything like a parking lot wtvtf. A tall building is for sure what needs to happen next. Something like La-Grande - bright, noticable, activity near, etc. The theatre should be kept bc of what people do with it. I think just one of the problems with the map is building accessibility, I feel the motel is nice but not to those who cant use it. The motel should be treated as convienience, not an actual ownable building. A building for those who cant go anywhere else. Do this and replace the warehouse with a faction building and voila.
  17. tbh the whole kidnapping thing is garbage. I personally, dont want to have to worry about my char being sold by human traffickers lmao. This feels like mugging but worse bc they just kill you and then there would have to be more rules etc etc
  18. then you shouldnt have joined the mafia and its not up to you to decide whether you are pk'd or not
  19. iYB

    ban apeal

    makes no sense appeal this does
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