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  1. anzati1

    ban appeal

    Banning Admin Here, When someone else had just gotten banned for mass stabbing AFK police officers in the PD, I was spectating around the PD. I then see you charging the PD front door with a knife. I freeze you and your friend and give you a name change prompt. You don't change it, so I give you another one and make you aware of the situation. I said, word for word, "if you run in there and stab the cops with your knife for no reason, you, and the person who gave you the knife are going to be punished for it." You picked a new name and went on your way. Not more than 5 seconds later, you run into the PD and start stabbing cops then die. Now, by rules, that would still be a ban for a first time offender like yourself, yet because I told you literally NOT to do that, and you did it anyways, thats why you got banned. To read your appeal, I did. Its not remotely okay to raid the PD. Not being strict, I told you exactly what NOT to do. You cannot raid PD without UA approval, and in this instance, your raid was to just RDM. A real mafia would raid the PD to get someone out of jail, not kill as many officers as possible with a kitchen knife then get gunned down. More and more lies. I told you prior to you entering the building, I even told you after I tped you to a sit when you died that you shouldn't of done that. In the end, I think you got lucky with only a 3 day ban.
  2. While yes, you did still ltarp, all of your POs are mostly from 2022, 2023, and only one ban in 2024. You're improving or gone inactive, ANYWAYS, standard 1st time punishment for LTARP is generally 12 hours. You're being reduced to a day, try not to do it again please and read up on the rules. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 1 day.
  3. queue system would require the 128 limit to go down to constantly have 5 open, but waitlisted slots. not worth at all. ontop of that, deciding who would have priority is just stupid, would it be superadmins because they need to staff? would it be donators because they donated? would it be the standard roleplayer? would it be faction leaders? exactly. useless.
  4. They re added world corp, and two of them standing almost diagonally from eachother
  5. Not banning admin here or nothing like that, but I do know a lot about cheats because I've developed and used them a lot. Yep thats me, but with that knowledge I also learned some cheat analysis. A large majority of these comments are just simply wrong. Including 'I don't see any tracing'..... Yea..... ANYWAYS onto my turn I guess just cause I got called in? In the slowed down video, you can see Izumi has engine prediction on by the black arrow. This is basically just cheats ways of saying 'WHERE' are you going to be based on your current velocity (direction + movement speed). Notice how the cursor goes to the right of the player being shot? No coincidence. Next point, your firing pattern. To the naked eye it looks like just holding left click, flick, oops someone was standing there. BUT NO. If on average (yes I counted) from the original clip, there's almost 1 bullet per frame, more around 1.2 but whatever. So why'd that pattern stop between frame 1, 2, and 3? But in frame 3 the exact same frame and millisecond that your crosshair reaches the player, you shoot again. What I think happened? You stop shooting, accidentally panic and click aimbot key, flick to them, and you have auto fire on. (Bad cheats guhhh imagine not using trigger bot instead). ONTO THE NEXT, this one is aimed (haha see what I did there) at the 'whos aimbot even looks at spine'.... Well, a lot of aimbots do, and a lot of them have that option to seem more legit so that you're not hitting consistent 1 tap headshots. Cheats generally will add spine3 to their list. But if your cheats were a little better, they'd grab the 3 bones positions then find an average. You might say "OH BUT HES AIMING AT THE ARM" . Remember the whole point above about engine prediction? Going into the shot, takes a whole two frames, coming out of the shot, again, two frames. With your 'accidental flick' you almost flick back instantly to the same exact position you started from. So you either have really good precision with this 'leather mousepad', or like...... Keep following me now, we know where this is going. TLDR: 1. Stops shooting (inconsistent fire rate???), accidentally clicks aimbot key, locks on for a split second and lets go of key. 2. Engine prediction enabled (definitely a free cheat though....) 3. Auto fire enabled (when aimbot key is pressed, SHOOT says the cheat) 4. Target bones set to spine/pelvis For your other clips, yes I had looked into them too cause we don't wanna false ban here. You seem to just.... have them injected but not use them unless its an accident. So either 1. Its an emergency backup thing, or 2. You like using the ESP and don't know how to disable aimbot lol. NOW, my opinion as a staff whos been permad for cheating before too. Purely accidental, no one was harmed, no sort of advantage was gained out of this one altercation. Unban in a few weeks, you learned your lesson and move on from it. BUT if you're ever caught again on any sort of suspicion (like every other cheating ban appeal), then you get permad on the spot and that's wraps buddy. The whole leather mousepad isn
  6. With your extensive history of playing the server, notes, bans, etc yadada. You should know better, and continue to strive to NOT break rules intentionally. The clips provided while SOME were muted. But we have full context clips with audio. Reporter is standing beside the taxi, not even remotely involved and you shoot him then blame it on something that never happened.... Before killing someone, you should learn the context or ask SHOULD I shoot this person or not. You're already on a very thin rope, chances are if you continue to fuck up, it will be a permanent ban soon. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  7. While yes, you were mainly in the wrong, you have such a clean record and the whole Mass VDM was not intentional nor was it targeting a group or people etc... You were being a little silly and no one stopped you until then. There were mainly two clips provided, in which wasn't proving intentional ruining of others roleplay experiences. Wrong place, wrong time, and you got a little out of hand is all. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 1 day.
  8. anzati1

    Pk Appeal

    You were pked by your faction for breaking their rules, ontop of that bringing heat to the faction. That is all I can tell you and I can guarantee you that no rules were broken in this dons order pk. As bullets said, when joining a faction you accept these risks of having to follow a new set of rules inside of that family. Not just server rules, but roleplay rules implemented by your faction to deter people from doing stuff they shouldn't or put the family at risk. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  9. PET flag taking admin here, Here is the clip that I took from only two months ago. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iHVOGzk0efp613ryp/d1337tlOPjdj?invite=cr-MSxlaFksMTA3ODcwODM1LA You already have one PET Flag note given to you on July 16th, that states 'Prop minging, if done again ban'. That means you did something bad before too, but PET flags generally have a rule of TWO. One note, then removal. Your first ever connection was on 29th of May 2023, yet all of your 9 notes, and 6 bans, have been in 2024. Multiple permanent bans on record, and you don't seem to be improving, you just seem to be not getting caught or simply not playing as much. While yes, you do have 36 days playtime, as a staff member when taking PET flags we need to judge if you deserve them, or truly meant mal-intent. In this situation, as you say 'I was just high', is not an excuse. If you cannot handle your substances, you should know better to not get on the server at all. Why do you think you don't see drunk staff members taking tickets?
  10. Super evil admin guy here, I logged onto the server to see multiple tickets asking if they could assassinate you. In which I said no, as it shouldn't be happening in the first place. You were named "Ronald Trump", wearing a MAGA hat, with a massive dupe completely blocking the meat market. (You are in a civilian faction). You have multiple notes and PET blacklist related incidents. This alone would get your PET flags revoked, and most likely permanently as you should know better being such an old player. I, as the staff member had the option of not only removing your PET flags, but also banning you. I felt nice, and instead I shot you, deleted the props, and gave you a name change prompt. So that it would be continued in RP that you had 'died'. Political leader names are not accepted in the timeframe or at all on the server. Hence why you don't see Joe Biden running around on the streets, nor do you see Barak Obama running for governor. When I joined, I had seen there were a few tickets asking to assassinate you, in which I said no to. Obviously duhh... With the name Ronald Trump, you were rdmed 4 times (5 including mine as staff intervention/gm intervention) While yes, my course of action was not necessary to shoot you, I felt it needed to stop one way or another. Just tping you away in the middle of a rally with a bunch of people is not appropriate, but an assassination on a fake political figure that shouldn't exist in the first place was in my eyes, the right thing to do. Now for every other punishment I gave you (none), I was being extremely nice considering no ban, no pet flags removed, no notes added, nor no pks given.
  11. maybe a little icon showing which ones you own, because some people do like to explore custom vehicles through the ingame menu then track down the owner, if not as simple as a little icon (this ones medium difficulty!), sort by owned, and unowned with a spacer char
  12. When joining a crime family, you get this message as a prompt and rules that you must follow. You were killed because of dons orders for "incompetency" and "failure to pay dues". Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  13. anzati1

    Ban appeal

    Simply witnessing a crime is not a kill able offense, neither is telling the cops what happened, nor is it a pk. A clear message from you showing you still have not learned the rules. If someone is actively trying to peruse you being prosecuted, THAT is pkable. Going to court, making an affidavit, etc.
  14. anzati1

    Ban appeal

    Banning admin here, heres the clip that was added to your ban attachments. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2a7MRRC4XOzE0S/d13372G8Cgwq?invite=cr-MSxRR24sMjEyNDg4NzQwLA Based off the clip, it was a very intentional RDM (yes you did end up killing him, clip got cut off). Your last permaban appeal, had written by Canadian-Bacon "This is your second chance, your only second chance, if you get banned during this return face we'll re-extend the ban and forget about you." POs or not, you have had a multitude of chances, yet never seemed to recover the mindset of not intentionally rule breaking. While my ban was not originally a perma ban for you, it was extended based on your previous appeals. You never seem to learn.
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