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Posts posted by Tsum_Mini1

  1. 43 minutes ago, JuliusCaesar said:

    Well after reading all that shit i personally believe u should kill your self I think thats well thought out and to the point

    Bloods v Crips was better than this..

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  2. Just now, Kewl said:


    I don't see this functioning very well as an actual faction. It might be great RP to hang around the Ghetto and act as a street gang, cause issues, and reject authority, but when you get yourself a whitelist, racket, and get a designated property, you would basically lose the identity you have right now. As you know, the Ghetto is a publicly accessible property, so you can't truly run the ghetto. The rooms are rentable to anyone so you could claim the property, but it will never really be yours. Yeah it might help you root out the minges in your "gang" if you have a whitelist, but it wouldn't really be the same to have this as a whitelisted faction. I think that running it as a no whitelist type gang would be more interesting aswell, as there could be opportunities for people to rep the gang who shouldn't, creating the possibility for more RP in dealing with fake members. When I think of street gangs, I don't see it as an organized group. The image that is a group of people wearing certain things, having some kind of control over or presence in the ghetto and linking up with single individuals from neighboring organizations to source product and weapons is best experienced when you are a little less organized.

    Tldr: The current standards of factions and the RP your gang brings/participates in works best without a whitelist, not with. I can see this falling apart really quick the second you try to bring in organization. Having this as a sort of citizen gang/group (basically what you guys are doing now) still gives you many things to do.

    Tldr tdlr: There should never be a faction like kts again. 

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  3. On 6/22/2024 at 6:27 PM, Alabster_ said:

    Your making that comment as your prop Minging Colombo Flags in the Ghetto?

    It was colombian flags in the ghetto, not colombo flags. He was placing down colombian flags. 

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  4. Just now, Carpenter said:

    "Also in the clip you can clearly hear discord voice-chat. There are some voices with clearly don't add up, Maybe im wrong"
    No, in the clip, you can clearly see the exact opposite. Every voice that was heard lines up with a voice box popping up in the bottom right.
    With that said, it does seem like they were peeking through walls whether or not they had "prior map knowledge."
    Before the door was open, "he's on the right, he's on the right side watch out." So unless he made any noise beforehand.. seems like glitching through the walls.

    Where else would one hide in a room that only leads to the right side? 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Davey said:

    Hey man I gotta start off by saying I completely respect your opinion but id like to bring something to your attention. To start off Legacy Enterprise was made over a year ago and was a functioning group before Olympus was even a thing, and to be quite honest I barely know what Olympus is as I've just recently returned to the city and I'm still getting up to date on events. Secondly its meant to be vague as we are both legal and illegal but for the sake of the application we are illegal because I'm almost positive any group seeking out a drug racket is considered illegal. Last thing ill say as well is I put alot of effort into this application and backstory and I believe it shows, so I think its pretty wrong for you to tell me that my faction is made just to be under Olympus witch simply isn't true. I hope this finds you well.

    So you're just like any other faction then? you have a legal front that hides the illegal side which is the main part. The vagueness wasn't necessary then. 

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  6. -1, faction is being made just to be under Olympus as another alt faction. The unique rp being provided is already provided by others. Are you trying to be a legal faction or an illegal one? You claim to be an organization, but that's extremely vague. 

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  7. On 4/8/2024 at 3:35 AM, Toast said:

    I like the idea. Right now lockpicks are just used to break into property and cars, there's no other use for them. Adding some little uses for them like this but with a cooldown would be cool. +1

    breaking people outta cuffs?


  8. bro really wants to remove all groups because he's blacklisted from both for being retarded. Wtf was the point of sending a jake paul song????


    On 5/3/2024 at 11:45 PM, StrixSolos said:

    on god like there are 4 “Italian” groups and like nigga yall so pussy , yall stay housed up step outside 😩😩  


    There are also 2 groups; 1 italian and 1 that is mixed race. You sound like a drooling retard 

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  9. 15 hours ago, Fox said:

    So rather than just add to the negatives I thought I'd offer a bit of constructive criticism, because it's clear that this application is lacking. 


    - Don't use AI generated text, or lazy writing

    People work incredibly hard to create their backstories and how their roleplay fits in with it, using AI to do this for you comes off as cheap and a bit of a slap in the face to those who have put the effort in to create something interesting.


    - Work on your story, and how you fit into it

    We know the story of the Medellin cartel. We know who Don Pablo is... how do YOU and your friends fit into the story, how did you land in New York? what drives you, what is different about you that stands out from every other faction that is in the server?


    - Define your niche

    What makes your faction good? why should I join your faction?. You need to create something that people are going to read and be like 'Oh shit, this is fire - i'll keep an eye out for these guys. Right now your backstory just reads as 'we iz colombian. Pablo lika da cocaine'. It needs to be more dynamic than that, what is your roleplay niche? 


    - Play the server

    Finally, play the server some more. 90 hours of playtime is not enough to learn how to run a faction, it actually takes a pretty big responsibility and time commitment. 90 hours isn't enough to understand how it all works, play - rise up the ranks of another faction and learn.


    Hope this helps,



    Their story is they got shot down in NYC by the commission. Smokin that federation pack

  10. On 4/16/2024 at 2:08 PM, Steam Tank DoomStack said:

    The commission crying over a -1 is just as embarrassing when you people when to murder.inc for them to do your dirty work when your guys got robbed by 14k and CCNG.

    a hitman faction doing hitman things??? Unheard of!!! 


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  11. 1 hour ago, 6tens said:

    +1  first mexican cartel to be wiped off and then brought back as a Chinese  type triad whilst being mexican 

    Erm.. Medellin is Colombian.. ermmmmm

  12. -1  Medellin Cartel is Colombian, which  was wiped out alongside other cartels by the commission.  Calling the Medellin Cartel a triad is like calling the Kosher Nostra a yakuza. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Steam Tank DoomStack said:

    the cope is insane, considering this commission puppet faction app gets 90% of it's comments to be +1s, it's all up to pendred to decide, but in my opinion this faction is just another the Genovese faction reskin.

    Actually the Genovese was a Cassano faction reskin. You're either new or never decided to pay attention to the tab menu during the Federation days. 

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