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Eviddy last won the day on November 2 2024

Eviddy had the most liked content!

About Eviddy

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  1. Eviddy

    Grag Panji

    I was never even waladang too
  2. Eviddy

    Grag Panji

    Name: Grag Panji Steam id : 76561199083313447 Discord: evdigitydog Date of Pk: 11/1/24 Reason for PK: The Don was "Contacted by someone" Why Should unPK'd: i have been taking a break from the game I was never reached out to this is my first time on in a month and was never contacted by anyone in the faction Ive been on here and there and the char was a war char https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/j03gNst13SweI9XU4?invite=cr-MSxNb0csMTAyODIyNTY0LA
  3. Eviddy

    Grag Panji ban

    I even had Radio Comms were I said the door was open and i didnt think i could move
  4. Eviddy

    Grag Panji ban

    I thought the Garage door was open. I was just told it was closed that's why i wasn't moving
  5. Eviddy

    Grag Panji ban

    People getting banned afterward
  6. Eviddy

    Grag Panji ban

    Grag Panji | Evdigitydog STEAM_0:1:561523859 evdigitydog 3rd Person Abuse Length of ban: 1day Reason for appeal: I was in a tight ally and accidentally looked through a wall Why should you be unbanned? It was a accident and I have reason to believe the people who I was against were ALL Banned Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i3GfstxDSFkYsfp79/d1337B67UXKZ?invite=cr-MSxnemYsMTAyODIyNTY0LA
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