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  1. She got warned for blatant metagame once and managed to get the warn removed later despite video evidence, FYI. Shady stuff as a player will translate into shady stuff as staff.
  2. ^ You literally can't read they don't teach commission mains how to read all you people know how to do is metagame. I have to -1 this one tho fr banning my homie from the legacy discord for for screenshotting her metagame attempt was kinda shady ngl.
  3. +1 infinitely better than jmoorsey (not a high bar)
  4. It would require vehicles to persist longer than a minute
  5. Itd be neat if there was a system in game that logged and tracked long term permanent injury like taking fingers or other mob amputations. It'd also be cool if we could take trophies off of corpses like scalps. Obv these items should be traceable in some way to a person living or dead in some way to allow police to use them as evidence if discovered but it would be a good rp feature. Yeah yeah grotesque rp stuff but we literally butcher corpses and make people disappear it would be nice if we had the option to be able to essentially send a message with specific parts.
  6. +1 he's a good rper just made a REALLY dumb decision otherwise. It'd be a loss to the community.
  7. Further examining the clip you sent, the mugger in question is literally a mugging character in the citizens of new york faction. This is not someone's main character. They did not initiate any form of RP nor do they have anything to lose if they fuck up in the mugging. People have been getting banned and pk's have been getting overturned for similar reasons and I do hope this trend of mugging/minge chars being banned and their effects overturned continues. Further, before Skitz and I get accused of adding onto a ticket that doesnt concern us, we're the faction leaders for the character in question and responsible for the property in question. We're absolutely affected by this minge garbage being allowed to fail mug and pk an active member of the faction who, funny enough, wasn't even involved in illegal shit she was running as a legal character who was just rping as a barmaid.
  8. It makes no sense she wasn't even facing the guy who was tying her nor was she even given a verbal command. Had he been like "don't move put your hands up" before she moved or pulled her gun, totally different but this was the goofiest mugging ever. FURTHER we have a theory that it was a mugging character combined with a level of metagame. I'll provide a clip below but we are fairly certain that the one who did the mugging was either: a) the dude we recently pk'ed; or b) not their main character. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jDDZdRWpEkPxLWsDI?invite=cr-MSxqeUQsMjMwMjExOTE2LA We think there was a level of metagame on this one. It's funny that they come saying things like that when those details weren't publicly known but we're also pretty sure they wouldn't be coming forward to tell on themselves like that either.
  9. Go back to making poorly written unconstitutional laws bro chill
  10. RevampedRebel

    Grag Panji

    Brother if you go MIA for a long period of time and don't pay dues, things often won't go your way. Sorry mang nothing personal.
  11. +1 any other opinions are invalid
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