Your Name: Snorky Porky
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634759308
Staff Member involved: Jmoorsey
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET
Reason for blacklist (if given): Reason unspecified.
Why should they be returned?: I was just trying to do a RP where I was setting up a "Change my mind table" on the end of the street of the motel on public property near the car dealership. The sign did have a few letters on it that made it seemed rude to a group of the following, "Altoviti are niggers changed my mind" A few seconds later I changed my mind and decided to change the name to "Motel Faggots" If this was against the rules I was unaware of it. A few seconds later I was pulled into a sit and he took my PET flags away without giving me a explanation before taking them away. I would also like to ask a clip of this and what not