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Hammer last won the day on December 10 2024

Hammer had the most liked content!


About Hammer

  • Birthday 03/22/2000

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Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

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  1. Average Jmoorsey suggestion
  2. Ong u the biggest troll on the forums lmao
  3. -1 Don't seem genuine + Canadian will liquify your chest cavity
  4. Glad to have used mine for the measurements
  5. -1 Think you need a bit more time on server, but Good Luck nonetheless!
  6. Should add the building with the stage from Chicago Rizzo map, its so hot
  7. Hammer

    Cyanide Pill

    I mean kinda but the result would be a PK so would be a huge loss for the person using if they wanna avoid arrest
  8. Hammer

    Cyanide Pill

    I mean they lose their char so dont really gain much lmao
  9. Hammer

    Cyanide Pill

    Make a buyable Cyanide Pill that when taken will kick in after 5 Minutes and PK your character. Would suggest like putting it on Sewer NPC for like $100,000
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