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Chief Sosa

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Posts posted by Chief Sosa

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Chief Sosa

    Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:69780698

    Your Discord ID#: 666780178290311175

    Reason for ban: Metagame | Sharing info between chars | Po's

    Length of ban: 30 days 10 hours but ive already did like 2 weeks of it

    Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
    Why should you be unbanned? So before the ticket was made for metagame, I seen davis on an alt char say outloud "We got a job to do" and leading someone. The first thing I said was "run or else hes gonna pk you" unseriously and I followed them on my lucchese char to a town house telling the guy who I think was the victim to not go into the building or else hes gonna shoot and murder him. The part that made it sharing info between chars was me seeing him at PD on my cop char and then me saying IC "I witawey just did a PK hit and now im gonna witawey minge in PD". I chose dispute because I did break the rule but I didnt malicously pursue it. I taunted Davis on my cop char because of how open he was about being on a hit and I honestly shouldve just said it in looc but I spoke first and tought about it later. He obviously didnt like it which is why he had someone make the ticket for him since he is currently staff and is unable to make his own tickets. I got rightfully banned for it but a whole month for this is honestly too much. My po's is very extensive and my most recent are metagame po's that come from situations were I name dropped on alt char's but I had no bad intentions or tried to get detectives to pursue him at all. Troughout the time I was on my cop char that day I was dealing with an entirely diffrent situation were I arrested a guy for cleaning a crime scene and completly forgot about him until I was tooken into the sit. As I said a ban was justified because I had been doing this too much but I didnt do anything as severe as metagaming a pk or mugging and neither was it used to get his char in trouble IC, I just want to ask for it to be reduced especially since the new map is out and I definetly will cleaning up how I act about shit talking and either not say it at all or use ooc.      
    Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

    • Dumb 3
  2. -1 a lil ago this nigga cried so hard cause he was gonna get a felony and tried to get UA involved instead of going to court. God forbid this guy has to do things IC instead of getting his way

  3. 3 hours ago, Youbear said:

    Me when I have an unofficial discord server where I talk about targets I would like to kill and actively plan how to kill them in my silly pink suit

    Im a supposed "victim" Tyler D. Johnsom and Fupert "Fortnite" Dupert and all ima say is that its all fun n games no bad blood and idrc about this. He has my full concent to put hits on me cause at the end of the day we are all on alt chars js having fun

  4. 1 hour ago, Faith said:

    -1... shit should get extended, any one tryna protect him, fella admitted it was illegal himself! then after the child said no, "Imma make you that typa girl". absolute freak!




    Didn't you re add batty chirps on discord after you and him started talking more in guns n greed (after all the things with lucy and him happened)? And you still have him freinded to this day 

  5. A lil ago I had a molotov that was on the ground and in a panick I accidently clicked "load" instead of "take" and that was hella annoying cause I couldnt unequip it and that was a good trowable that went down the drain and I wanna know if that shit can get changed cause its like that for all trowables and I am to retarded to observe the menu when I click e on that stuff

  6. Your Character or Steam Name: Chief Sosa 

    Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:69780698

    Your Discord ID#: 666780178290311175

    Reason for ban: RDM Bait

    Length of ban: Permanent 

    Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology 

    Why should you be unbanned? Originally I did not know exactly why I was perma banned because I thought it was from me and others combat baiting a faction that was not allied with olympus and I tried to argue that Mangos had already dealt with it but after Boomroasted replied with my denial message I learned that it was more than that and also my PO's would make it a perma. I do have a long list of PO's, mostly from when the conflict between the commission and olympus began and I also completely agree that a perma ban was a just punishment for me. If I were to be the victim of what I was doing I would be pissed and I recognize how heavy rdm and combat bait ruins a players experience when I would get harassed on a FiveM server based off of gang beef. While I have been permad I tried playing fiveM and other rp servers on gmod. Instead of being pk and combat hungry I RP'd, got Capo for a gang, and also SGT on an RP heavy SCP server. Despite doing all of this I still miss playing Diverge; there is a lot of MafiaRP servers that try to replicate or replace Diverge but at the same time they are all mostly negatively different. I have been banned for 3 or 4 months and I fully comprehend that if I were to do this again UA would re perma ban me. I also would look to re-make my image because opposing faction or not alot of people see me as person that only gets alts to cop bait or mug and then gets pk'd the same week. If I come back I will obviously main Lucchese but I also want to re join Takaski kai and play on Les Ripoux or Kosher, to not cop bait or mug but instead to RP in the faction.
    Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Diverge addiction is real 

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