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Kurt The Biggest Steppa

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Kurt The Biggest Steppa last won the day on January 26

Kurt The Biggest Steppa had the most liked content!


About Kurt The Biggest Steppa

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Underboss (7/14)

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  1. -1 this one is NOT it. there's other questionable people that put up staff apps but this is one is just not it.
  2. Hello, I'm the boss that ordered your death. We simply killed you because I was on good information that you tried to sell narcotics in a business in front of good friends essentially in public. This not only compromises our faction but hurts relations with other factions, I hope this provided clarity to the PK.
  3. +1 I need someone to take care of my sheep farm
  4. You are the biggest fucking loser I’ve met on diverge. Rather talk to Pun Gun for an hour straight while being dismembered by Dexter. Insufferable twink.
  5. https://streamable.com/n65qdz
  6. sights on the M24 SWS are bugged and don't work properly. How am i supposed to PK people with this gun!!! https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jqF14cRyFkZFr9rpb?invite=cr-MSxSbnIsMTc3MzQ0NTUs
  7. na you people need to stay out ong
  8. -1 20 days since ban is not long enough for a perm ban.
  9. +1 adds more options than just cooking them up in acid fr adds variety and diversity in cases not only for PD but crims aswell
  10. Hello, I was the admin that PKd you. You were obviously PKd like i stated in the sit for leaving the faction. When you join a criminal faction you agree to the terms and agree to the message that pops up on your screen and essentially hand your life over to the faction when you agree to the statement. You left Colombos last night, 12/7 and joined Lucchese and in which the Colombos put a hit on you and had you killed for leaving the faction. Leaving the family over discord DMs means nothing in character. You may have left the discord months ago but you left the in game faction yesterday.
  11. looks like someone accidentally hit their hotkey lul
  12. This is obviously the best faction application to grace this server and you are defacing it with your horribly reasoned -1…
  13. Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay btw... Diverge Networks Cop Roleplay when?
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