Your Character or Steam Name: Steam: BIGTIMETONY, Char: Chuck Fidel
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:720109735
Your Discord ID#: bigsmoke710.
Reason for ban: Minge, NITRP
Length of ban: 4 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): My Friend crashed into a guy who called us a retard multiple times, so I rammed his car a few times and he got upset and I was instantly banned no sit or nothing. I understand that is probably bad but I have a clean record after 1 week of playtime and I think its dumb to get banned for hitting a car slower than can cause damage especially without a warning.
Why should you be unbanned? :I think its wild I didnt atleast get a warning. Im pretty sure the admin was the char in this scenario but I have no way of knowing that when I think its IC
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): this is the clip of me getting banned I personally find it pretty dumb but honestly just lmk what you think