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Everything posted by Carpenter

  1. let me have a little fun on the forums in peace
  2. Lucchese as Pistol P's step-son
  3. This will be getting an enormous, massive, gigantic, monumental, bulky, colossal, jumbo-sized, and all-around hefty +1 from me!
  4. How are you going to make the suggestion when you've never tried it?
  5. I set a 20-minute timer as soon as I bought from the NPC. 10 minutes through, you could get your shipment. 10 minutes after that, when the timer ended, you could buy another.
  6. You've completely missed what I said. If you knew for a fact he was in the room, of course, he is to the right. All I am saying is that from the clip, you can't see how you guys knew he was specifically in that room. "So unless he made any noise beforehand.. seems like glitching through the walls." -Me
  7. "Also in the clip you can clearly hear discord voice-chat. There are some voices with clearly don't add up, Maybe im wrong" No, in the clip, you can clearly see the exact opposite. Every voice that was heard lines up with a voice box popping up in the bottom right. With that said, it does seem like they were peeking through walls whether or not they had "prior map knowledge." Before the door was open, "he's on the right, he's on the right side watch out." So unless he made any noise beforehand.. seems like glitching through the walls.
  8. Carpenter

    Ban Appeal

    "A couple actually means two." - Just in the images Bacon sent, it was forty, and presumably more. It's still spam.
  9. 1.) I've never been affiliated with the Cassanos. I didn't even know they were on FiveM, and no, I am not making an appeal so I can be a part of them. 2.) You keep saying I was settling OOC issues or another character's beef. I still have no idea what you're talking about. As far as I am concerned, I was generally on good terms with everyone. 3.) I didn't even know that "beta" happened, so no lol. Believe it or not, this is literally the first time I've heard of it. I was only aware of a PvP server long ago. Thank you for your good wishes.
  10. Not true. I did not make a mugging character. It was literally my cop character who had been fired. I had him for quite a while. Again, I’m not sure what OOC beef you are talking about. As far as I am concerned, I was generally on good terms with everyone. To address your meme. 1.) Diverge was not dead, that makes no sense. I loved Diverge and played it practically every day. I was active and had many friends there. 2.) Already covered this, not an alt-mugging character. 3.) Remember the timeline. This was after all the events that had taken place. I am not claiming to be in the right for this. I had many messages coming from multiple people trash-talking me. I responded carelessly and I apologize. 4.) Naturally. I am not completely and utterly blameless in the situation, I am apologetic for any rules I did break. I just believe the 6 months have been just and would like to come back on. Thanks for your input and your meme lol.
  11. I’m unsure what in particular you wanted me to “reach out to you” about. 1.) People do not typically go talking to the person they just PKed as far as I am aware. 2.) I was permanently banned from Diverge and did not know how to contact you outside of that. And I was not going to go around asking “Hey! Do you know a way I can talk to Susan Medici?” Nor do I understand why you would presume I was seeking to cause harm or damage to “multiple people/factions.” I had no reason to do so. OOC, I was on generally good terms with everyone as far as I am concerned. And genuinely, I do not recall ever explicitly speaking with or to you. I don’t doubt that for my short period as a Lucchese associate, we may have come in contact as I was somewhat "friends" with Pistol P when I had first joined the server. Besides that, I do not remember having any sort of possible contact with you. I still hold to the fact that as the mugging took place I was not targeting you. I do not personally know you. Either way, I appreciate your response.
  12. Long time no see Kewl, thanks for the +1
  13. Hey, I appreciate your sound response. I’m not quite sure what OOC information you are inferring I used, so I can't say much to that point. About “psychology,” I don’t necessarily see what that has to do with the situation. Have I changed for the better over 6 months? I’d say so. Either way, I believe a permanent ban was a bit harsh, and think the half a year I’ve been banned has been adequate. Thanks.
  14. We quite literally never "ran a faction" together. We teamed up our gangs, brother. It's about time you get over PoliceRP days that were over two years ago. You claim you "gave me trust?" I don't even know what that is supposed to indicate. I'm sorry you feel that way, but be real, you haven't liked me since I killed my Luchesse character.
  15. I am aware of things I said in a public Discord server. I have already covered this. I had been getting DMs and pings from many, many people hating on me. I responded in a careless and cutthroat manner - it was a heated night. I shouldn’t have done it. I’ve stated numerous times now, I am not looking to justify all of my actions and things I said. That is not what I’m arguing at all, simply that I apologize, think the 6 months have been just, and I’d like to play Diverge again with my friends.
  16. I guess I don’t really understand this whole Hylics thing. You say it as if I’ve committed treason. Literally, everyone has checked it out, including you. I don’t see that as abnormal because it was the only other competing server gaining any traction, we were all curious. That doesn’t mean I was or am praying on Diverge’s downfall. Nor does it mean that for anyone else who was curious, again, including you. I loved Diverge and played it every day and had lots of fun playing alongside my friends. On that note, talking about the PK on Susan Medici was inevitable considering the word spread like a wildfire and I was getting messages left and right. Since I was banned on Diverge, people who did not have me added naturally pinged me in other servers. Including Boom himself (who was Don at the time, unsure if he still is). The large majority of them came at me angrily, so I apologize if I showed any aggression back? It was a heated night. I would not be surprised if I said things that were out of pocket. And again, I literally and genuinely did not know it was Susan. I don’t know else how to prove or get that across. I did not go out of my way to mess with Susan Medici whom I didn’t even know personally and still have nothing against. If Susan was the only one with access to that player model, I was certainly unaware. It was only found out after the situation had been initiated in the sit where Medici was first PKed. I am not saying I am blameless and completely in the right, that I made no mistakes. It is not my intention to seek and justify all of my actions, if any. I just don’t think my offense warranted the permanent ban and feel the six months have been fair game. I am not some minge that you are perceiving me as who came on to ruin the game. I was a very active player who made a mistake.
  17. Me not knowing what faction I was in does not contradict anything? I never targetted Susan, and didn’t know it was her until after the mugging. So that’s a lie, not once did I go out of my way to kill Susan Medici. This also has nothing to do with Hylics, how am I “one of them?” I had been a member of Diverge long before and literally do not care about the competition between the two.
  18. I’ve already explained everything I am aware of above. I was permanently banned after I had killed Susan Medici. The admin who took the sit agreed it abided by the rules, and I personally am not aware of specifically any rules I had broken. If I did break any rules I do apologize. But I still don’t think it calls for a permanent ban on my end. From what it seems I was judged as someone who came on to just ruin someone’s experience and was not part of the community, but as I described: I think that is a big misunderstanding and intend to ruin no one’s gameplay. When I was able, I played the server pretty much everyday and got along just fine with others. I am unaware as to which faction I was in when the situation took place, it was over six months ago. And no, I was not planning to PK Susan, I don't even play FiveM. At the time I actually didn't even know it WAS Susan until it was revealed OOC. In no way was I targetting Medici.
  19. Name: Carpenter SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567863431 Discord ID: carpenterxo Reason for Ban: Pendred put “Retard.” Length of Ban: Permanent Reason for Appeal: I don’t know the precise reason why I was banned. I would have asked but I was instantly banned from all the Discord servers as well so I could not make a ticket. I assume it was because I killed Susan Medici, but to my knowledge, it was a fair PK. Pendred did touch a bit on the reasons why I was banned under Susan Medici’s PK appeal. He notes “Circumstances leading up to this situation are irrelevant, I'm not going to allow someone who is an extremely dedicated, active member of the community have their experience impacted by someone who has demonstrated to be neither of those things, who doesn't contribute to the community or roleplay and just wants to inflict harm, for no other reason than being a spiteful dog. He can be banned alongside this.” This would not be a problem if it was true, but it isn’t. First, I don’t see how the circumstances are irrelevant. That’s how a situation should be judged. Second, he says I was not an active member or dedicated. Because I do not know Pendred personally, I assume he just thought that I was another minge and was trying to ruin the server. But I had been a player on Diverge for quite a while and most definitely engaged with others. From being part of Luchesse at first, to Bonnanos, the Police Department, and then my most prominent character Paul Cerrito was pretty well-known throughout the Colombo Crime Family. I also created the Maple Street Crips with some friends and that stayed around for a while. I was also a member of staff for a short time. With all that said, I was definitely active within the community. I don’t think a possible mistake I made should regard me as a “spiteful dog” and calls for a permanent ban. If I did legitimately break any rules, I apologize, but I think a lot of this could have been a misunderstanding and doesn’t warrant a permanent ban. Why Should You Be Unbanned: I’ve been banned for a little over half a year and many friends have tried to get me back on. Now that it’s summer, I’d like to play again because I did genuinely enjoy the server. For any rules I did break, I apologize, and I feel that the 6 months+ I’ve been banned has probably covered it.
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