Hello I am AdalhardMecklenburg and due to someone notifying me of this slanderous ban appeal including my name even though the banning admin clearly caught you and PunGun (MrNewVages ) with a personal vendetta against me from the 1942RP community when you both made mugging characters to clearly try annoy me and steal from me like the disgraceful arrogant children you are and I also do believe meta gaming to have been involved here as well.
The chats I have sent to Fever were from pure anger that night as I saw Fever as a friend and someone who I could trust. I do apologise for the intense sadness it must have caused him to make this appeal and spread my name around like this as I have received DMs about this inquiring about it.
There is no excuse or reason I can give for the chats I sent except I let my emotions take over my control and for that I apologise to you Fever and hope you can find it in your all loving heart to accept my apology.