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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Any word on this application? No rush.
  2. If I get my flags back I will get permission to put stuff down on peoples properties and also not minge and use for role play enhancement only.
  3. I was just meaning to sing for a fun rp no intent on "minging"
  4. and How is that rule breaking by spawning it and singing?
  5. Your Name: Ronaldo Giallanzo SteamID: STEAM_0:0:710270797 Staff Member involved: No Clue What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet Flags Reason for blacklist (if given): No sure may be a mistake. Why should they be returned?: I believe they should be returned becuase I need them to spawn stuff in and to enhance the roleplay. Id like it if a staff can go over this and see why I got blacklisted.
  6. Yes, I do agree of what you were saying, but I don't think I made my point clear. I made this appeal to appeal the ban not to dispute what happened. I did not admit to anything I just stated what happened.
  7. Your Character or Steam Name: Mike DeCavalcante Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:710270797 Your Discord ID#: 965737745131642961 Reason for ban: RDMx1 Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology Why should you be unbanned? As as citizen of New York I enjoy my time thoroughly here. I did not realize the consequences of my actions, and although the ban time is short I am a rp oriented player and would like to get back into the city as soon as possible. I do apologize for any inconveniences to the community. There is nothing I enjoy more then hopping in the city at the end of the day and role playing. Either way, thank you for your time and consideration looking at this appeal. Cheers, Mikey Peppas Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  8. Anthony

    Car Timer

    Gots to do something about this damn car timer
  9. Your Name: Francesco Fappiano SteamID: 76561199380807322 Staff Member involved: Dont Remember What flags were blacklisted from you?: What ever I bought. I had all the tools and then also was able to spawn props Reason for blacklist (if given): I believe at the time I was prop abusing. Why should they be returned?: I believe they should be returned becuase I understand that what I did was not tolerated and also its been about a year and I have matured and read over the rules. If I get them back I am only going to use them for role-play purposes and nothing else.
  10. +1 Legal faction great idea. I think we need a couple more legal factions.
  11. The new boss is good.
  12. Thanks for telling me about that! I am currently banned so I had no clue but I hope to be un-ban by the time this is added. Is there any leaks? NVM I see it
  13. Yes, the chances are that this will be denied are higher then the age of my great grandparents but hear me out. The NYC Map (tap to take a look) is the same map currently used but there is a city addition with many shops buildings and much more places to role play. So if you would like to step up the role play even more then it already is then try this map. I am willing to donate money if there is a price to add stuff to the server like more space and I would hope that others that wanted to donate could as well. Over time role play may get boring being in the same area, and if you add this it will not only enhance the role play but it will also bring more players and you know what that means more players, more money, more fun. I think that if you add this the server will be full and there will be many more people joining and having an good experience. So if your looking for something to revamp definitely look at this. I did overhear a year or so ago about how staff tried this but it did not work properly but hopefully it can be fixed and money can be raised for the server to get more space so staff can get this map in and uploaded. (If you don't feel comfortable clicking the underlined link than you can use this one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2925489145)
  14. Its messed up and should of never taking place, but due to my foolish actions we are here. I would also just like to add that If you could see it how I am seeing it, I was very foolish and was not being mature and now I have learned my lesson on what I should do and what I should not do. Clearly it was a big mistake and it is very hard to trust someone like me after what happened but if you would, I can prove to you how I am a great role player and I can keep a clean record (stay out of trouble). Not to mention I can stay highly realistic in my role plays and not break any rules while. Continuing to what I was saying; I just wanted to show you that I heavily regret what I did and that since that I have massively changed. If I get accepted I will also make sure to donate to the server to show my support and devotion.
  15. If you look at it this way, I have greatly matured and I regret my decisions. There is 1 or 2 punishments on my record and if I get unbanned I can assure you that It will stay that way. If you dont believe me you can check every now and then to see if I was really lying or not.
  16. Yes, I did put a magazine in that had shown some stuff but it was not like it was showing it was censored if I am correct.
  17. Your Character or Steam Name: My character name I believe was Franco Bonanno if I remember correctly. Steam name is Francesco "Frankie Boy" Cali Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:710270797 Your Discord ID#: 965737745131642961 Reason for ban: Global Rules Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology. In a couple of weeks I believe it will mark a year that I have been banned from this server if I am correct. I would now like to appeal my foolish actions and come back to make positive connections and fun role plays for the future to come. Why should you be unbanned? I believe that I should be unbanned becuase during the time I was banned I was rereading the rules so that If I get unbanned I can assure that I will not have any more punishments warnings kicks bans etc.. During the past months- year I have learned my lesson from many things and I have greatly matured. Now what I did was a negative impact on peoples role play and there is no excuse to what I did. Now looking down at my decisions/actions I realize that it was a complete foolish decision that I made that day. I do understand that what I did is not tolerated and I should of made better decisions. I do believe in second chances so if you would please take some time and read over this and think about the positives of unbanning me. If I get unbanned I pledge to keep a clean record, I will also play that rule quiz that I have seen being posted in the forums. I will reread the rules and remember them. When I do role plays I will make sure that no rules are being broken and I will make sure to follow every single one so that the people in the role play can have an fun and enjoyable role play. If whom ever staff is reading this I would just like to say that if you unban me then I will keep my devotion to keep this server fun and enjoyable. I realize what I did and heavily regret it, and in a years time I have changed and became a much better role player and genuine person. Once again I can assure you and the whole staff team that I will have a clean record for many many years to come and I will make sure that the rules are enforced. I do understand that due to my ban I do not have a great reputation to some staff but I'd hope that this message and my future role plays will fix and revive my reputation to them. Thanks for your time, Two Times Additional Information (images, videos, etc): If I get unban I will do the rule quiz just to make sure I am completely up to date with the rules.
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