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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Anthony

    RDM Ban

    Well, I'd watch how you put things because I am convinced that you are confused. You can check logs and see that he had pulled and aimed a gun at me, therefore check your knowledge before you make any accusations. Obviously he was mad so he cut the part of him aiming and drawing a gun on me and my buddies to make it look like I just shot him for no reason. ALSO never said I accidentally clicked and shot him I said I was putting attachments on and THEN shot him. I did not remember if I was aiming or not is what I said so dont get my words mixed up, I know what I did and didn't do.
  2. Anthony

    RDM Ban

    Ban By: Zqrxz Your Character or Steam Name: Rashan Glee Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:710270797 Your Discord ID#: 965737745131642961 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 1 Week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology Why should you be unbanned? Not that I should be unbanned but maybe staff/ the banning staff member should consider shaving a few days off or even if possible appealing and expunging the ban. At the time I was un aware of the Passive and active threat. Previous to me shooting him he pulled a gun and aimed it at me after yelled at him for his horrendous and complete inadequate driving. After yelling at him he kept driving at a slow pace down the road telling me to come over to the gas station. When I did so he pulled a gun and was aiming it at me thinking I was scared for a fake Italian white guy that has no knowledge about how to act Italian and look Italian. Soon after that I hopped in his "tough guy" bronco and took it for a spin (went to end of street and turned around. After that I pulled his car back up to a closer location which at the time was across the street at the gun shop near townhouses were he was talking shit to my friends and threatening them as what I was hearing as he walked away I popped 1 shot and he was down. After he came back from being shot we were just chilling there and he was saying how its RDM and staff will handle them which he did not know I had did it. Once he was done talking about RDM this and RDM that then I asked him why do you think it was RDM and were did it happen, shortly after I had told him that I was the one and my reason. He told me how he was not a treat and my buddies said it was not but some of them also said that considering he was not an active threat therefore its considered RDM. After finding that out I did make a offer to re comp him but he ignored me and continued his speech and his bickering with my homies about random shit. After all this I was sent a clip of Passive and active threat that looked like it was filmed at the barge were I watched it and now I understand why it was considered RDM. Although IRL if someone pulled a gun on you and aimed it at you and a minute later you shot them you'd probably still have a valid reason to shoot them. If you could read over this and respect my mistake and appeal this ban I will keep a clean RDM record with no more POs. This ban is/was a learning curve for me and my knowledge about RDM considering my past RDM POs I have learned something new that I will use for future references. Any questions please feel free to contact me. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): If I find the video I will put it in here
  3. add Joints and bluts with effects. Maybe even add effects to all drugs.
  4. Anthony

    ARDM Appeal

    Even if I can just get the note removed I will be happy.
  5. +1 He is able to put in many hours a day.
  6. Anthony

    ARDM Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Luciano Caparelli Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:710270797 Your Discord ID#: 965737745131642961 Reason for ban: ARDM? Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology Why should you be unbanned? I believe this ban appeal should be read over and taken into consideration because I had no intention of RDM/ killing them. My intention was to just scare them. It just so happened to be that when I was firing it hit her once. In the clip I believe it shows I did not aim I just free shot about 10ish rounds torwords the front of the store. I do see how you can see that as attempted rdm but simply she was in the line of fire. I do apologize for any confusion and in convince to staff and to players, I am sorry for causing this whole interaction. I simply just wanted to shoot in the area that they were at to get there attention and to scare them. I know if I killed them it would of been RDM and did not want to have another RDM added to my record. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Any questions feel free to contact me in pager or in here. clip link: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iUAOGztzISOw87CF_?invite=cr-MSxicTksMTYyODM1MzY0LA
  7. +1 Good shit these guys have good rp and, it will be nice to have a Russian mob back in city.
  8. Anthony

    PK appeal

    I do understand the PK rules but realistically if somebody was laying there and got shot in the head by a magnum bullet what would be the chances they survive?
  9. Anthony

    PK appeal

    Not going to lie I wish I had seen him typing in chat. No wonder why he was following me, now I understand why he was following me.
  10. Anthony

    PK appeal

    Name of Character: Ronaldo Giallanzo SteamID: STEAM_0:0:710270797 Your Discord ID#: 965737745131642961 Date of PK: Not Sure I had went on vacation and came back to a PK. Reason for PK: I shot a cop in the head when they were rag dolled and they did not die so then they got up and shot me. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I do realize that when you get shot and killed by a cop its a PK. I figured that if I had shot him in the head and then the chest area that he would be dead, and yet he did not die. Once he got up after I thought he was dead he reloaded his gun and shot at me but before he could do so I left the server. Yes, it was a stupid move but at that exact moment I panicked because I figured he would be dead just like if he was just standing and I went and shot him in the head then he would automatically die. The whole reason why was because he was following me around when I was doing a clothing deal. My first thoughts were that he is a troll cop thats going to steal my clothing. To get to my main point of why I should be un PK'd is that he should of been dead even with any sort of Armour on, he did not have a helmet meaning no head protection. Realistically a magnum to the head is more then enough to kill and when he is rag dolled I could not tell if he died. I fully understand if this gets denied but its worth a try to get back to role playing. So if you could please just read over this and understand how I see it. (According to other players "due to rag doll physics when you get shot you dont take as much damage or even none".) If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I will work on getting a clip
  11. +1 Mr. V has great rp and a respectable person. Seems to me like a perfect addition to staff team.
  12. Anthony

    Flag Appeal

    Any word on this application? No rush.
  13. Anthony

    Flag Appeal

    If I get my flags back I will get permission to put stuff down on peoples properties and also not minge and use for role play enhancement only.
  14. Anthony

    Flag Appeal

    I was just meaning to sing for a fun rp no intent on "minging"
  15. Anthony

    Flag Appeal

    and How is that rule breaking by spawning it and singing?
  16. Anthony

    Flag Appeal

    Your Name: Ronaldo Giallanzo SteamID: STEAM_0:0:710270797 Staff Member involved: No Clue What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet Flags Reason for blacklist (if given): No sure may be a mistake. Why should they be returned?: I believe they should be returned becuase I need them to spawn stuff in and to enhance the roleplay. Id like it if a staff can go over this and see why I got blacklisted.
  17. Yes, I do agree of what you were saying, but I don't think I made my point clear. I made this appeal to appeal the ban not to dispute what happened. I did not admit to anything I just stated what happened.
  18. Your Character or Steam Name: Mike DeCavalcante Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:710270797 Your Discord ID#: 965737745131642961 Reason for ban: RDMx1 Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology Why should you be unbanned? As as citizen of New York I enjoy my time thoroughly here. I did not realize the consequences of my actions, and although the ban time is short I am a rp oriented player and would like to get back into the city as soon as possible. I do apologize for any inconveniences to the community. There is nothing I enjoy more then hopping in the city at the end of the day and role playing. Either way, thank you for your time and consideration looking at this appeal. Cheers, Mikey Peppas Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  19. Anthony

    Car Timer

    Gots to do something about this damn car timer
  20. Your Name: Francesco Fappiano SteamID: 76561199380807322 Staff Member involved: Dont Remember What flags were blacklisted from you?: What ever I bought. I had all the tools and then also was able to spawn props Reason for blacklist (if given): I believe at the time I was prop abusing. Why should they be returned?: I believe they should be returned becuase I understand that what I did was not tolerated and also its been about a year and I have matured and read over the rules. If I get them back I am only going to use them for role-play purposes and nothing else.
  21. +1 Legal faction great idea. I think we need a couple more legal factions.
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