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Everything posted by Wojtek

  1. +1, the guys leading it arent fucking stupid.
  2. Homie right here +1 Bro knows what hes doing, mature ash
  3. Wojtek

    Add more crime

    Fentanyl racket Spike your drugs to make more money.
  4. I accidentally quoted instead of editing, mb. I will also add, we were in a group talking to a few other guys, they walk up, and that is the FIRST thing they say, almost as if they were baiting a situation.
  5. They walked up to me, told me something along the lines of "Get on your knees and lick my balls" with no reason behind it, i retorted with "What are you? A faggot?" And they started chasing me after that. It was such a stupid situation lol, I didn't even think it was that serious, despite me being high off my ass. I genuinely thought the both of us were joking about with each other, but then it escalated. If I didn't know any better, I would say the guy could have been PK hunting, but I have no clue.
  6. The NPC saw the kill, I didnt die around the corner, the dumpster was open, and i was body blocked (Unsure if bodyblocking is against the rules.) I looked at the rules, and it states, and i quote You may NOT mug in front of NPCs as they are considered witnesses in RP. You may not bypass this rule by attempting to 'pull them away under fearrp' infront of an NPC. Do not target people using NPCs/ATMs. This includes camping NPCs. In a similar vein you may not camp shipments to mug the owner, using the name on the box is meta knowledge. end quote. This means they are not allowed to mug, or attempt a mug in front of an NPC, All of this, including the mug initiation happened in front of this NPC. In the first place, I didn't even know he had a gun out, I never turned around to see, I also blatantly asked in the sit before my pk "Isn't there an NPC there?" and you gave a firm negative. It actually took a couple days, and a buddy of mine, to say "there's an NPC here." I asked around in the server, asking whenever this fella next to the dumpster arrived, and they said he's been there for a very long time, but you still didn't give that as an answer.
  7. Name of Character: Gabriel 'Bear' Gonzalez SteamID: STEAM_0:1:444435754 Your Discord ID#: 394933235051921409 Date of PK: 5/19/2024 Reason for PK: I ran away while I was getting robbed (I think, I never turned around to see him) Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: The robbery itself should be voided, as this entire robbery happened in front of an NPC right next to the Lucchese casino with the trash can. (Gas station next to the car vendor). The video provided by the the person who PK'ed me obviously shows the location, and the fact that I was there. This would mean that this situation would be voided, as the entire interaction was FAILRP. The rule that was broken was False Mug. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Every time I try and provide a picture of the NPC, it gives me an error, i can send the image through discord though.
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