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Posts posted by Buzz

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Bee

    Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):


    Your Discord ID#: maltbeerwithchips

    Reason for ban: Take your meds, alting. 

    Length of ban: Permanent 

    Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology.

    Why should you be unbanned?

    I am sorry Pendred.

    I am sorry Pendred.

    I am sorry Pendred.

    I am sorry Pendred.

    I am sorry Pendred.

    I am sorry Pendred. 

    I am sorry Pendred.

    I am sorry Pendred.

    I am sorry for having a schizo meltdown. I am sorry to haxxer. I'm sorry for alt evading. I am sorry for power tripping. I am sorry to the community. I'm sorry to myself. I am sorry to the community. I am sorry for making a shitty ban appeal from the old forums. I made dearly mistake of gaslighting and I am sorry. I'm sorry for joining shitlycs.

    Weaponized Autism is no joke. 

    If my ban appeal is denied. It's okay. Thank you. Hmu Pendred. If I wanted to write better ban appeal, I would, but I don't want to because there's things I don't wanna talk about. I took the opportunity to make a forum account with this new forums. I kinda like it. At the end of the day, I have no animosity. I made a retarded mistake for a video game. I'm sorry how deluded I became. I don't want sugarcoat anything. Maybe I'll stay away from government RP, maybe just chill as a civilian. 

    I'm always open to have a talk. It's been about year my g. My discord is there. No matter for good or bad. Since I made this ban appeal, no vulgarity or shit talking, just a straight structured answer. I'll take it. If you want to spit fire. I'll take it. I'm in the wrong. This is the best I can think of.

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