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  1. I would love a copy cat nando restaurant.
  2. Buzz


    give them bicycles instead.
  3. She is a good person, and will be an integral part of the community. I can understand the asinine negative comments. She is really active and will give her the time to moderate the server. That is IMO +1
  4. Buzz


    https://streamable.com/vjlfe2 You pulled a gun, and we took it as a threat. You should know better to surrender.
  5. Maybe the cheating is unacceptable, but he should get warning. If it gets denied, then we can wait few more months. He is a good guy genuinely. Up to UA.
  6. Buzz

    DVLA / Licensing

    I want to start suspensions on driver licenses. There is people who shouldn't deserve to drive. Judges should be able reinstate or take away people's licenses if they seem unsafe.
  7. I was told that a photo of evidence for logging is enough. I had a case for search warrant, and taking photos of weapons, contraband, and drugs. The physical presentation of weapons for cases is not needed anymore. I understand you wish to keep the guns or drugs. The drugs can be sold by the NPC. I know people continue storing guns. I think there should be a legal process of only detectives who wish to repossess those guns for operations or investigations. The serial number is already enough if someone already possessed in logs. If a patrol bureau like me make search warrant and it was approved, then I think the detective bureau should notified every bust made. I don't mind a police bank ATM, but I feel it may be abused. Hope my comment make sense.
  8. Buzz

    Video Arcade !

    I would love this added!
  9. Buzz

    ban apeal

    https://streamable.com/pkrz6x start at 30th second. neutral you shouldn't have crashed out.
  10. Buzz

    Char Appeals

    I was the person who requested your PK, you decided to instigate a fire fight, and you ended up dying. You forgot to reload your gun, buddy. Start at the 25th second. https://streamable.com/qdonbv
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