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Everything posted by EngineerGaming

  1. +1 I like their restaurant dupe
  2. +1 Solid player, real cool head. Would be a great addition
  3. I joined the Public Defenders office, I hang out at the police department to catch cases. I go outside all the time, last night I was at the O'Hara tavern for hours with my boss. I switch characters a lot because hours can go by without a single arrest. Conduct a PK properly, come up to me and shoot me. Don't use LOOC and lie about staff denying PK requests to make me not expect it.
  4. So this illuminates the situation more. You used /looc to lie and say not only that ou weren't going to PK me but that staff had disallowed PKs against Greeks, then immediately turned around to change your clothes and get a gun, then come back and PK me. That behavior should not be allowed on this server, the metagaming behavior should make this PK improper. It should be overturned and the Takahashi should try again, and do it correctly this time.
  5. Name of Character: Sergei Sergeyevich Bodrov SteamID: 76561198124986301 Your Discord ID#: engineergaming7009 Date of PK: 6/16/2024 Reason for PK: Don's Orders for leaving the faction Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: To give the context that I'm sure spaceium would've soon posted, I was an associate of the Kosta's faction that signed a contract with the takahashi to operate as a crew while waiting on our faction application. I got arrested and put in jail awaiting trial, and while I was in jail the Takahashi put out a hit on our NO.2 and broke ties with us. By the time I got released from jail, the Kostas application was rejected and we no longer existed. Our higher ups had a few sit downs to negotiate and in all of them, the Takahashi has said that every Greek has to die. They cut us out, not us. When I got released from jail, I told the admin to put me into civilian cause my faction no longer existed. To call it leaving without permission is like saying a guy whose house got bombed left his home. The Takahashi broke server rules against metagaming when they sent their member Shepherd to the Police Department to find me. At two points he engaged in metagaming to bait me into the PK. The first was when I switched to a different character because the character that was PKed is a Public Defender and there weren't any people under arrest so I swapped to another character to farm some drugs. Shepherd DMed on discord and said he just saw me and wanted to talk and asked me to hop back on. I did so and then when we talked he used LOOC to convince me that the takahashi not only didn't have a PK ready on me but had been denied it on all former Greeks. After he said this, he left and shortly afterwards a Takahashi hitman came to the police department, lockpicked through the door and PKed me. The time difference between Shepherds visit and a hitman who knew exactly where I was arriving makes it clear that he sent the hitman or at least informed someone else who sent him. The chain of actions here is a higher up coming up to a person they want to hit, using LOOC to lie and say that its impossible for them to be hit, and then sending a hitman. LOOC was used to trick me and make me not expect a hit. That is a violation of metagaming rules. There is a pattern of behavior here as the previous Greek hit was done by calling Iris to a meeting over discord and then killing her once she arrived at that meeting. The entire situation started from Takahashi higher ups being mad over "disrespect" in OOC communications and breaking our contract several times. This PK should be overturned so that it doesn't set the precedent that you can use LOOC or other OOC communication methods to trick someone, any deception should be done in character. We shouldn't reward metagaming behavior that ruins roleplay. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Both cited examples are screenshotted and attached as files below
  6. "Never able to attend scheduled meetings" is an outright lie. Heres photographic proof from the last two company meetings, where both times we were the Takahashi crew that showed up with the most people.
  7. +1 He deserves a second chance
  8. +1 Solid core of roleplayers who have the dedication and creativity to improve the servers RP experience
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