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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. Emperor

    PK Appeal

    - ICly you went up to a Captain and demanded that he takes down your rings. Which including not paying dues which I mention more below is just complete disrespect and feels like you only wanna play that character and have no repercussions and yet still have some authority without actually playing and roleplaying. - Incorrect, I have asked why he was selling them. Chat logs prove that as I wasn't using my mic. -Simple thing for this even if you had been exempt from paying kickups from previous Management. The current one hasnt allowed this. Due to this and having over a year of not paying. You died. - Me not paying dues was decided upon as a conveniency for you. If that was the reason, I would've died long ago, received a warning, or been approached about it. a call was made to this and never disputed, therefore it's to be considered still valid and accepted. Please stop trying to create pointless arguments, it was okay with the kickups for years until today suddenly. Are all faction rules and decisions nullified when new management steps in? Was that ever announced? Ever communicated? No. Therefore I see the PK as invalid.
  2. Emperor

    PK Appeal

    Cool, I see only what's in the clip. Foul language was uncalled for man, thought you're more mature than that. No point in arguing with you. I genuinely hope you'll get well.
  3. Emperor

    PK Appeal

    Lying for the forums? I'm simply stating observations. My last laction wasn't around there, also clearly you had no money to gamble, shown in the chat log. From this point on I'll refrain from further comments and let the staff team decide. Thank you for your version of the story and the time it took to write it down.
  4. Emperor

    PK Appeal

    A. The way you went about your rings being sold by one of our capos. -Discord talks, ICly everything was formal B. Your character hasnt paid any due fees in well over a year and the way you came onto that character and started trying to start a quarrel in the wrong way. -Was never ordered to pay again, warned, or approached about it. You yourself are admitting that I'm in the right here, therefore not paying dues is invalid as a reason. C. Completely disrespecting a Captain in the middle of his store. -Untrue, I asked a simple question, I didn't disrespect anyone ICly. You're allowed to lure people onto their characters by staging a sitdown or meeting, not through DMs, this is a clear rule. Him calling me on and providing the location was purely done for the PK, he couldve asked for my charID to be sent via DMs, instead it was taken advantage of. Considering the fact that I was lured through DMs is one thing, but both PK reasons are without proof and the proof that can be provided is not in your favor. Also there was a sitdown before the incident about the rings and the whole. Therefore the situation was resolved ICly. How was he informed about my whereabouts? Seems like he's just gambling and suddenly knows where to go. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jEmz6cEAFwxIkB8gh?invite=cr-MSxENmssMjc2NzU5OSw
  5. Emperor

    PK Appeal

    Name of Character: Cirillo Principato SteamID: STEAM_0:0:217293411 Your Discord ID#: empzh Date of PK: 07 February 2025 Reason for PK: Failing to pay dues, disrespecting high command Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: - I was lured onto the character and to the location by discord DM's - The "discrespect" happened in a discord VC marked as (OOC) -The character was excused from kickups and never again ordered/told/warned to pay again If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
  6. Do your homework. Close to the same guns per capita as the US.
  7. Problem is balancing. The Glock has double the magazine capacity of the tokarev, if they have the same base damage it makes the other gun obsolete and doesnt balance it out at all. The penetration and stopping power is also a factor. You should be able to penetrate better with a 5.56 for example while a 7.62 has more damage and stopping power, though you wont be able to penetrage as well as the projectile is larger.
  8. The damage, especially on the pistols, is totally off. The Tokarev and Glock have the same base damage of 30, which is not logical at all. The Tokarev is chambered in 7.62x25 while the Glock is 9x19, the Tokarev round is way bigger and holds way more gunpowder, it was designed to be a high power pistol. Having them both do the same amount of base damage makes zero sense. This is a reoccuring pattern with the weapons. They are not correctly tuned and balanced. I would offer to create a chart for a future a update, with more realistic damage outputs.
  9. HARD -1 If this was to be a thing then armor has to be either removed or nerfed! It can't be that a cop can stand (having direct contact) at a car that is exploding and still live. Now they are supposed to get adrenaline shots? Just give them godmode at this point
  10. Emperor

    More factions

    You should definitely add more factions, like the Kirov Bratva Faction application. Would bring more dynamics and roleplay, yes yes.
  11. +1 I didn't read the application. But I like Hammer. He good man. Give him.
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