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Aiden last won the day on April 20

Aiden had the most liked content!

About Aiden

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Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

  • Too many Italians Rare
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  1. Baseball bats can kill in 3 hits, you’d be dead before you even get the chance to get knocked out
  2. Why isn't the Pendretti Crime Family on here?
  3. Maybe because you opened fire on police?
  4. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i85rbhZS5pjjA_35Q is this who made this post?
  5. I think that's a great idea with the boxing gloves, anything else sounds unnecessary
  6. Aiden

    Cab Business

    +1 I love the idea of expanding civilian RP
  7. Very Informative! : )
  8. It was only for jokes
  9. I think Opium is the best lowk
  10. No other drug that’s better than coke
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