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Aiden last won the day on November 18 2024

Aiden had the most liked content!

About Aiden

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Aiden's Achievements

Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

  • Funny How?
  • Semper Fi
  • Controversial Rare
  • -1 Not Enough Playtime
  • Too many Italians

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  1. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. WAIT!!!!!
  2. Aiden

    Mod application

    -1 - 3 days is a little low for playtime to fully understand how the rules work imo - Didn't meet the required response criteria a single time, instead left crappy 1 sentence responses - Can tell that you didn't spend much time making this application - sloppy
  3. Add some NPC strippers or some shit man
  4. Police Department. Has batons you can grab and go beat black people with
  5. Aiden


    -1 hell nah. Tried getting some people banned for metagaming in hopes that he will get unbanned but it didn’t work.
  6. this has always been a thing for a while
  7. In my opinion, it sounded like you did. My bad for not mentioning that. Chuckling does not mean you're a minge lol
  8. Hello, banning admin here. When I first pulled you to the sit you explained that you "Alt Tabbed" but you said it in a chuckling voice. I tried asking you why you even lined up your car straight for him and reversed in the first place, but you never answered my question and kept using the "Alt Tabbed" excuse. I took another look at the clip and towards the end before you hit him, you can see that you adjust your car's angling more towards the guy you hit and killed so I ruled VDM. You have a record for VDM so I thought 3 days was nice enough. Clip" https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iY0vxMWApL0jgFlys/Fcjw5bKbxcL6?invite=cr-MSw4VlksMjAxNjIzOTY5LA
  9. Lame ass mugger. Should be ashamed of yourself
  10. Name of Character: SteamID: Your Discord ID#: Date of PK: Reason for PK: Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
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