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Everything posted by Reece

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Reece Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173324654 Your Discord ID#: tertia.optio Reason for ban: Staff Abuse Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? I am writing to humbly appeal my ban from the server. My ban was entirely justified, as I childishly resorted to using staff as a means to target other factions. Reflecting on my actions, I am filled with regret for the immaturity of these actions, which were unfair not only to those I targeted but also to those in my own faction, as this poorly reflected on them. What I did was disrespectful to the staff, who gave me the chance to contribute to the server, which I exploited with my thoughtless actions, impacting the entire community. I genuinely regret what I did, as I now see that it ruined the enjoyment for many people. I understand that what I did was a complete disregard for what, as a staff member, I'm meant to represent. I'd like to use this time to apologize to those who were negatively impacted by these actions and beg your forgiveness. I ask for the opportunity to prove that I have reflected on these wrongdoings and to try to make them right. I hope to turn over a new leaf, but I understand that this opportunity may take more time. Sincerely, Reece.
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