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Dustin Hart

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Everything posted by Dustin Hart

  1. Also might I add he just got unpk’d like a couple hours before this he went right back to what got him PK’d in the first place
  2. Rewatching the clip the first officer JUMPS IN THE ROOM therefore I couldnt even see his badge if I wanted to!
  3. He never identified himself it was dark pitch black I could not see any badges I thought I was being mugged I already had my gun out at that point its me or them like what youre not listening to any reason lol
  4. They never mentioned NYPD until after I was dead I thought it was a mug cause again plain clothes
  5. Dustin Hart

    Tyler Crum

    Name of Character: Tyler Crum SteamID:STEAM_0:0:226735551 Your Discord ID#:378669470245453835 Date of PK:5/10/24 Reason for PK: Cops did an illegal raid on motel room 10 a seller walked out of the room all I heard was hands up hands up thought there was a mugging going on because the guy ran to the door opened the door and ran out of the doorway said hands up hands up to me I already had my gun out during the entire deal I immediately went to the corner never heard the guy say "there's drugs" and I certainly never heard them identify themselves as officers ingame nor in the clip I didnt know they were cops so I started shooting and died. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be unPK'd because we werent in the room for more than 2m I sincerely doubt there was a snitch due to that fact so it was an unlawful raid 2. They never identified themselves so I didnt know they were cops had I known they were cops I wouldve put my gun away and never tried shooting. 3. I had my gun out the entire time so even if this was a mugging FearRP wouldnt apply since i had the gun out the entire time. In the clip you see me with my gun already out again they never announced themselves. EDIT: They announced NYPD after they already gunned me down. They pulled up immediately no 911 call from my knowledge and no warrant to my knowledge as well and I know they didnt see the drugs because the lights were off and in the clip you see none of them saw drugs until in the room If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2co7PeO4r2JjrH/nBnwY0IYhrVv?invite=cr-MSxHOGwsMTE3ODYxNDIs?mobilebypass=true
  6. We werent attempting to retrieve any belongings we just wanted to know if he had weapons if he didnt we wouldve done what we did but more smoothly I understand its game mechanics but we're new had no idea about those i would like to atl b cut a lil slack given 1 more chance with this character before I have to spend a week on a new one and these in game functions should be apart of a guide if they are not already to let newer players know
  7. Name of Character: Dustin Hart SteamID:STEAM_0:0:226735551 Your Discord ID#: mr.hart Date of PK:5/7/24 Reason for PK: Me and an associate were mugging a guy during a cocaine deal and he roleplay searched him for weapons wires the sorts and he said he had none Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: My friend checked him for weapons wires like I said above all the sorts the guy said he had nothing so since me and my friend were new to the server and had no idea that it wasnt valid roleplay even though it makes no sense we merely patted him down to see if he had weapons and if we could mug him common sense easy pickings but he powergamed by saying he didnt have a weapon we never forced him to do anything we merely patted him to see if he had a weapon if this is a genuine roleplay scenario you could feel the big ass butcher knife he had in his pants jacket whatever like if this is genuine 1980s rp you should be able to check for weapons via roleplay because theres meetings between organizations and people get frisked you feel for weapons and a big ass butcher knife isnt a weapon you easily hide its not like we were just trying to take his weapons or items or restrain him we just wanted to know if he had weapons via frisk I think that its dumb that I have to check for items via a function no new players ever know about until its too late I am willing to take a FailRP warning or something but this is setting me back a week over something no new player could know about I didnt even know you could use C on players until the moderator explained it from what I've heard it is not in the rules that you cannot do a roleplay search for weapons and that you are mandatory to request a inventory search the guy because again we werent forcing anything we already had the money he already gave my associate the money I just came in said hey it was a mugging so the associate could leave with the money there was no forcing of any kind. For rules violated I dont know the rules I was learning as I go and listening to the people I was with and their experience. Even then why the fuck did the other guy not get PK'd still dont understand If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://imgur.com/a/STZV2As I don't have a clip from the guy we mugged or other guy who ended up killing the guy who stabbed me
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