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Everything posted by theMENace

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: burner jungle boys gelato Your SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199367610656/ Your Discord ID#: themenacehighasf Reason for ban: rdm bate Length of ban:1 week Reason for appeal : i got banned for bating but it all happened in 2 min and his friends locked me and my friends in and the guy that killed me got a note for rdm by the same admin. i didn't pull my gun out or say anything aggressive SMD Why should you be unbanned? because the moment wasn't valid after the rdm Additional Information: https://medal.tv/?contentId=iA83oXiplKGQWKRu9&invite=cr-MSxHNkosNTQyMjM3NTAs&spok=d1337XfFdpX9
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