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About Toast

  • Birthday 10/13/1998

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Underboss (7/14)

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  1. Hi. I banned you for attempting to shoot the judge during a court trial, you've said you accepted that part of the ban so I won't comment on that. However, another member of staff took a ticket about you assisting people in crim factions with packages and talking about packages, which ICly, you wouldn't know about as a cop due to the fact you cannot see them or see people carrying them. You cannot be running around on a cop character talking about and assisting people with collecting packages.
  2. I'm the one who banned you. There were 3 staff, 2 AFK and myself online. The situation was you shooting the guy the split second he turned the corner. We did speak about this in DMs and do believe that it wasn't an intentional thing. The 3 day ban was going off of Canadian-bacon stating that people breaking rules during the event will sit the rest of it out if caught. However, I don't think it was with malicious intent on Grant's behalf and I'm happy for him to be unbanned.
  3. Toast

    Boom's Staff App

    Great guy, good RPer and would be a good fit on the staff team. +1
  4. If Elimoore can get staff, anyone can. +1 Edit: Shittor was memeing.
  5. Hi man, I am one of the many people involved with your PK. Basically, you're a retard to put it bluntly. You've had multiple taxes in the past couple of months for stupid shit. You would think after being taxed 3 times in 2 months for roughly 300k total you would get the memo to stop being an idiot. Yet, we had allies bring up situations of you calling 911 on them saying you were being "held ransom" in public. Instead you continue to bring issues to the faction and so we had to get rid of the problem maker. There isn't much else to say, maybe try using your brain for whatever faction you go to next and maybe you won't get PKed.
  6. Great guy, would make a good staff member. +1
  7. Nah. Keep this retard banned. Some people never change. Refer back to your other ban appeal like 6 months ago. -1
  8. You're more retarded than Elimoore and that's saying something. Maybe do a bit of research before spouting retarded shit about a PK you know nothing about.
  9. Toast


    Was a bit of a mong at times, but overall he has been banned for a while now. If he doesn't reform then he just goes back to being permabanned, no harm, no foul innit. +1
  10. Toast

    Ban Appeal

    You and altoid constantly made minge characters with the sole purpose to mug people and cause issues. You tried to coup Diamond Syndicate without going through the correct channels to do so, among countless other things that you've done in the past. You have 7 bans in 2023, one of them being a permanent ban and 5 bans this year, including your current one. I think it's best to keep people like you and altoid out of the community for good as you've never contributed anything positive and your ban list shows that. You also have an insane amount of notes on your profile which also backs up my point of you never bringing anything good to this server. Edit: You also have an insane amount of bans on Prometheus (11 for those curious), which clearly shows you don't take RP servers like Diverge or Prometheus seriously.
  11. Toast

    Ban Appeal

    You contribute nothing to the server, go back to 1942 retard.
  12. -1 Ditched his faction to be a cop main.
  13. Decent bloke, just let him and Marzii hold hands. +1
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